Have you ever noticed how folks handle explosives? From what I understand dynamite, which is easily the safest, is treated with great respect and rightly so for it can do great harm by it‘s inherent power. Within the clay like mixture there is a small amount of nitroglycerine. This stuff is very unstable and can go off by simply dropping it. Now, let’s see how this can help us understand faith in a new and exciting way, OK?
We are born with enough faith to say, Jesus is Lord. Had not God given it to us [all faith is a gift] we could never have any hope of living in Heaven. If you read Romans 10: 9-10 God will show you how it works. We are going to explore faith that works to bring about the Kingdom of God. A faith is available that Jesus used and His disciples afterwards. One of the great miracles is revealed as Peter and John went to worship after Pentecost. A man crippled from birth was instantly healed when he received what “they had”. They had Jesus inside and the power of God upon them and the cripple was set free.
God is still using disciples who are humble and anointed to accomplish His will. This is a key statement and I trust you understand it. Disciples are those who have given up their life for their Master. They are broken in God’s sight and desire to please Him 24/7. They have been found trustworthy by God and have received the “power from on high” that came upon Jesus at the river Jordan when He was baptized by John. If you are like most who will read this you will mistakenly believe God can’t use you. Trust me, this is Satan talking and if you are a born again son or daughter of God you are able. If you haven’t experienced the new birth yet, you still can.
There is no way any can come into a relationship with God apart from faith that Jesus died “personally” for them while hanging on the cross. God planned it this way for our hearts are hard and when the cross is preached, not taught, it will accomplish God’s intention of breaking our hearts. Mine was broken and when it was the seed [Gospel] was able to take root and begin to grow. From it came God’s love which is unconditional. He placed John Moore and me in a jail ministry for two years where I was actually able to love criminals. This was hard going for me at first. When I was able to see them through God’s eyes I finally could. Then God worked through John and me to set some of them free in their hearts.
God uses explosive faith to do such things and we experienced it. One of my favorite books is Healing the Sick by Dr. T.L. Osborn. He and his wife were used to do the things Jesus did by a multiple of times. There are pictures where up to 250,000 people came to hear the Gospel. While there the Holy Spirit healed them by the hundreds. I’ve given away over 1000 copies since I first discovered it. Within it’s pages we read the scriptures that can explode. I’ve seen them do it!
Nothing angers me more than to hear someone say, “So and so has all the faith in the world and he or she wasn’t healed.” Folks it is hard to explode crude oil but once it is refined into gasoline it’s like a bomb. Jesus said we needed the faith the size of a mustard seed to move mountains or cast trees into the ocean. He is saying our faith must be “refined” too. As you read the scriptures or hear them something wonderful is happening. God the Holy Spirit is giving us more faith. At some point we must act on it and when it does it explodes! The more refined the more powerful it is.
Dr. Osborn makes a statement that all should accept. “Faith is believing that God will do what God has said He will do.“ There is no way we will know what God has said He will do without spending time in His Word, the Bible. Each word was dictated by the Holy Spirit to the writers. Argue with this statement and you are hopeless. God can not use you apart from His Word! He isn’t going to change it even a tiny bit. We need to grasp that He loves us in spite of our sinfulness and will never cease to for God is Love!
His will is for all to come to repentance and receive Jesus as our Lord [Master]. For those who will, eternity will be spent in God’s presence. For those who refuse, the devil will have their company forever in darkness. This message is to help you not only realize that God loves you eternally but has an exciting life planned for you. If you want to know more my email address is below. May God help you to become an anointed disciple today.
In His Service,
Capt. Ben Marler
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