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Monday, September 28, 2009


Marriage is an institution created by God to ensure stability in a relationship for the rearing of children. This grand plan by Him is based upon our ability to keep our promises to each other and to God to forsake all others. At first I believe these relationships are established for many reasons bringing children into the world not being one of them.
When I saw my Joan for the first time I was overwhelmed by her beauty, grace and marvelous figure. Her smile was warm and friendly too. Here before me was a young woman I felt drawn to. Looking back now nearly 52 years we both know God was in the middle of it. We are in many ways opposites and complete each other. I call her my better half and this is an understatement. I thank God for her all the time and remind her often just how much she means to me.
When we married in 1958 I honestly didn’t realize what a treasure she was for I was blind. This is also true with my relationship with Jesus. I was taught to love Him. I knew He loved me for my parents had an intimate relationship with Him which caused them to devote much of their life to serving Him. I wanted to live two lives, mine and on Sundays, for Him. This wasn’t the best arrangement but God had a plan which would develop many years later. He had a plan for me and to fulfill it I had to also be in love with Jesus.
For about 13 years my wife and I raised our two daughters in the church where they learned as I did, God loves you. Do you remember singing “Jesus loves me”? It is still one of my favorites for it spoke the truth to my young heart causing me to stay near to Him.
I admit now that I placed myself way before everyone else including my family. This ended on May 23rd in 1971 when I melted in repentance in my pastor’s office. When the Lord entered my heart I was instantly a new person, I was born again.
My love began to grow for everyone but not that much more for Jesus. This may sound strange but it is true. I loved Him a ton and didn’t seem to have a need for more. How wrong I was and I was about to find out. One day a woman approached me after worship and asked if I could help her. When I asked she said she had been attending our church and could see others were so excited about being there but “nothing is happening to me.” I asked a woman passing by to go with us in a counseling room where we sat upon three chairs arranged in a triangle. While holding hands I prayed, “Lord, I don’t know the answer to her problem but you do.” Instantly I heard Him say, “Walk her to Calvary.” Stunned for a second I thought, walk her to Calvary? Then in a split second I was there observing the last part of the Crucifixion. I narrated what I was seeing and it ended in a couple of minutes. As I opened my eyes I was shocked that tears were flowing down my face. I looked at the two women and the same thing was happening to them.
I stood up, hugged them and walked out of the room, no longer loving Jesus but now firmly in love with Jesus, what a difference! From that moment on Jesus was first in my life and His will was my desire. It didn’t matter what it was I wanted to do it for I saw with my own eyes in the vision the brutality heaped upon Him for me. The movie the passion of the Christ is one every Christian should see for it should bring about the same result if they are born again. Now if they aren’t it should bring them to the place where they want to surrender their will to Jesus. I believe many have been saved after seeing this great film.
Are you in love with Jesus? You can be, but I believe with all my heart you must spend time at the cross where the Holy Spirit leads you into this deeper relationship. It can’t be done with out Him and that’s for sure. Jesus said, “You can do nothing apart from Me”. He and the Holy Spirit are One with the Father. Jesus is the visible manifestation of Almighty God. He told Phillip, “Have I been with you so long that you don‘t know that when you see Me, you have seen the Father for I am in the Father and the Father is in Me.”
My Joan will tell you in a second that I’m in love with her now. I want to do for her all I can just like I want to do all the Lord has planned for me. It took the cross to bring me to this incredible level of love. Do you want it?
In His Service,
Capt. Ben Marler

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