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Saturday, February 23, 2013

DO YOU HAVE ENEMIES: I hope you do

DO YOU HAVE ENEMIES: I hope you do! If you don't, consider your walk with Jesus. The closer you walk "in Him" doing the Father;s will the more enemies, whom you must love "extra special", will come at you. Jesus said we are to love our enemies for it's like placing burning coals on their heads. I'm assuming He means the Holy Spirit will bring them under conviction. I've seen Him do it and one day I placed here on face book how a relative came to me with tears flowing asking for forgivenss. What's so strange, I didn't know what he'd done, but Jesus did. He and some others had been making fun of me as I shared Jesus every day on our pier. What they didn't realize, they were offending the Lord. Are you willing to walk so close to Jesus you'll have enemies too? Do you recall Him saying, "Blessed are you when you are persecuted for My Names sake for great shall be your reward in Heaven." I bet Paul has a super great name for all of the Jewish Sanhedrin [minus a few] were against him. Notice, when you have enemies they're generally "professing to be Christians". However few will say they're a disciple of Jesus. I love you folks. Pray much more for me.


DOES GOD REALLY MATTER IN AMERICA NOW Of course He does in the "Bible Belt", but what about in the rest of the country? I have to wonder for abortions continue and mayhem continues everywhere. In some cites like Chicago and Detroit murder is a continous trail of blood and pain for many. Of course drugs are the main culprit, but why is it? Simple answer, people are turning to drugs to escape a daily life with out a relationship with Jesus. I include alcohol in this for our nation is awash in alcohol with all the problems it brings. MY ADVICE: You can choose to live for drugs and drink, which will in the end bring destruction, or you can choose Jesus and live with an eternal high. I've been involved in the Lord's business now for over 40 years and to be honest, it's getting more and more depressing. If just a few of His kids would take their "relationship with Jesus" to the darkness we would see an almost automatic change in America. Isn't this why we are still here after our conversion? I'd bet a lot few will like this message that I've been inspired to place here. Please take it very seriously. I love you folks. As you pray for America please include me. >


HOW WE PRONOUNCE HIS NAME REVEALS A LOT If you say "Jesus" reverantly, I suspect you have a relationship. If you just say "JESUS" you may have one, but is it very close? Only you and I can say. Would you believe I used to be critizied by some in how gently I said His Name? I bet I still am, and it's great, for somehow the Lord is at work in those who are "offended". PTL I love you folks. Please keep praying.+

Hearing the Lord and How You Can Hear Him

HEARING THE LORD AND HOW YOU CAN HEAR HIM: I've had a number of pastors tell me they have never heard the Lord speak to them. Some had been in the ministry for a very long time. I believe they didn't expect Him to speak. Has the Lord spoken audibly to you? I sure hope so for it's the most thrilling thing that can happen after our new birth. You know, I suspect God is speaking to His children all the time but they may be too "busy" to hear Him. MY ADVICE: If you want to hear Jesus speak, set a time [daily] for you and He to have fellowship. Now tell Him, "Your servant is listening". In my case, I was forced to captain the vessels too after my dad's sudden death and found I was so "over my head" for my work and responsibilities increased dramatically. Our fishing business included two large 104 passenger vessels that could leave the pier with a total of over 150 people fishing, not including the riders who often shared a pole with a family member. Nothing I learned at FSU was helpful for this. What I learned from my dad and mom was vital, "be totally dependent on Jesus". He always would see them through for what He had planned. And, He did the same for Joan and me. Due to their example and my huge need I spent almost an hour and a half with Jesus daily before reaching the pier about daylight. This included about 20 minutes of worship at the altar of our church. The hitch hikers didn't care for it as they were often asleep inside. He already knew my heart. As I read the scriptures and worshipped Him I began to learn more and more about His. When He added a jail ministry that gave me even more insight into how He loves everyone. He actually spoke the words audibly that opened up the jail ministry from one man He sent me to help to the whole population. IMPORTANT: When He speaks to you make sure you OBEY otherwise He may not speak to you again audibly. In the Bible He's always speaking. What He says there is spiritually discerned so ask the Holy Spirit to help you and He will. I love you folks. Please pray more for me.

Friday, February 22, 2013