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Monday, June 28, 2010



What you are about to read isn’t something I will enjoy writing but how can I not place here what the Holy Spirit is saying to me. Have you watched the fires that rage ruthlessly in the west on TV? They consume all before them and after it passes there isn’t anything left but devastation. You and I can prepare for what’s coming by spending time on our knees before the Lord. God hears and answers prayer, He’s promised to do it. He says, “If two or three will gather together [in spirit] and agree as on touching anything I will do it.” Why would He make such a statement? Why because He lives inside the born again Christians [his kids] and the prayers will be from the Holy Spirit.

Do you know the Holy Spirit? In Acts some who had been baptized with John’s baptism [of repentance] didn’t even know there was another baptism. In Luke 3:16 we’re told that Jesus is the One who baptizes in the Holy
Spirit and with fire. Fire fights fire folks and those who place their lives in danger fighting forest fires use this technique a lot. They back fire or consume areas before the raging flames arrive. This creates “barriers” which can slow or end the fire. Many times though the embers can “jump” the space already burned and restart the fire again.

If you’re concerned about your family and loved ones, isn’t it time for you to go to Jesus and ask Him to baptize you in the Holy Spirit? When He does you’ll receive His power to witness. At last you’ll have the ability to approach anyone, even those who are hostile, to tell them that Jesus loves them. When you do you can back it up with your own story of Amazing Grace.

Please understand all that is happening to America now is because of sin. God is Almighty God and He’s going to bring Judgment to those who are hostile towards Him and His Son Jesus. Few preachers are telling the lost to repent or they’ll be caught up in eternal fire. Do you hear it where you worship? Do you see folks responding to the warning?

Part of the responsibility of a child of God is to pray for the teachers and preachers whom the Lord has raised to equip the saints for service. There are five ministries mentioned, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. Only in some instances do you hear of the apostle and prophet anymore. Their ministry is just as important now as ever. So pray that the Lord will bring whoever He has chosen to fore so the Gospel can be preached and obeyed all over the world. Don’t be one who believes the Lord is content with us living luke warm lives. He’s told us He will spit us out of His mouth if we are.

Are you willing to tell God often how much you love Him and then prove it by submitting to the Holy Spirit? If you aren’t, what do you expect Jesus to say to you on Judgment Day? How can He say, “Well done my good and faithful servant, enter now into the joy of your Master.” He can’t and He won’t for He always keeps His Word. Please stop now if you have your Bible near and read Matthew 25. Jesus is saying these things and we had better listen.

We can’t be saved by our works for we are saved by faith and that’s not of ourselves but from a faith given to us by God as a gift. But is your faith real? In James we are told I will show you my faith [genuineness] by my works. Are these things [works] something we’ve decided to do on our own? Of course not, they’re works prepared beforehand by God our Father for us to do. Read it for yourself in Ephesians 2:8-10. Accept these Words and live with God forever. Remember, everything on earth will be burned up one day. His Word written in our hearts is eternal. This is why we should read and digest the Word and allow it to strengthen us so we can serve Him.

The vast majority of folks who say they’re going to Heaven have no Biblical discipline. Their major complaint, “I don’t have time” but don’t they have time to watch TV? Make sure the Lord doesn’t say the worse words in the Bible to you, “I never knew you.” We must be born again to know Him.

Please believe me there is safety only when we are in Jesus. Do you remember the fiery furnace into which the Persian King had three of God’s servants thrown? And when he looked, he saw there were now four. Jesus was in there with them protecting and keeping them safe. When they were removed them wasn’t even the smell of smoke on them. This Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. Folks, we can count on Him. Can He count on us?

In His Service,

Capt. Ben Marler

Thursday, June 24, 2010



From time to time God allows me to see what I should have realized years ago. His timing is always perfect so I’m happy whenever it appears for it’s all about Jesus in the first place. It is never about us and the sooner we realize it the more quickly He can use us. I bet that’s a revelation for many reading this.

If you’ve grown up in the church you know there are tiers of opportunity. If you’re ordained the top levels of preaching and teaching is yours. But, if you aren’t, then those in charge will limit you. Now this changed back in the 1970’s where I was serving the Lord. The outpouring of God’s Spirit allowed the Lord to uplift the “common folks” into powerful ministries.

My cousin Betty Moore was given an extremely important prayer ministry that is still fruitful decades later. Her husband John and I were sent to work in a jail ministry that lasted two years. One, a former inmate, began a prison ministry, “Reconciled Ministries”, based in Pensacola that is still bearing fruit as I write. There are more but these two examples should suffice in revealing that God can use anyone who is willing. Are you willing?

The most important thing is to be born again. This means you have died to your old life and have received Jesus into your heart as Lord. The most recent revelation given to me is simple, we must live in Him. We may have heard this before like in John 15. However, we can find ourselves just outside, trying to walk along side the Lord rather than “inside Him.” My favorite verse reveals it, “We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for or unto good works that God Himself has prepared for us to walk in.”

Do you see the “in Christ Jesus”? Before you brush this off, think for a second about a water baptism. Those submerged and uplifted while being baptized in the “Name of Jesus: as in Acts they should have understood the water is a grave. Graves are where we place dead people. While down in it all possessions as well as our life is buried. When uplifted the Holy Spirit comes to stay. Now think for a moment, if we’re in Him shouldn’t we stay there? We can by listening to Jesus who said, “we must pick up our crosses daily and follow after Him“. Doing so won’t make us “more saved” for we are already His but it causes our flesh to die which is absolutely necessary.

If you’ve been struggling as a Christian, could this be the reason? You aren’t dead to your desires and may feel overwhelmed by them. If so, you’re in the vast majority of Christians struggling with you. Do you want to change? It’s up to you, for God will never force us.

There is one thing that can help you and it’s a daily visit to the Cross. If you want freedom to serve God with all your heart don’t go anywhere else. God allowed Jesus to die in the most horrible way possible. There was a very good reason for He knows that our hearts are hard and will get harder as we struggle to live. We can see this in ourselves by our wanting to be first or to put others down. This is the opposite of true Christianity and we know it. I’m not saying we will be able to completely conquer it but we can sure try.

I’m not saying we can make ourselves “humble” for if we try we are doomed to fail. Humility is an award given by God to those who have learned to walk in Jesus. Just as an apple tree doesn’t strain to make apples neither will a Christian in Jesus need to struggle either. He is moving along and allows us to see what He sees. Then the Holy Spirit nudges us to do “something”. We know what it is and sometimes have to argue with our flesh over doing it. The less arguing we do the more peace we enjoy in our relationship with the Lord, simple isn’t it?

Now if you aren’t born again there’s nothing more important, Jesus said you can’t enter into the Kingdom of God without it.? Read John 3. If your denomination doesn’t teach or better yet preach it, run for your life. If there isn’t any joy in your life, run for your life. If you’re being controlled by your denomination, run for your life. If you aren’t being encouraged to read the scriptures daily, run for your life. If you’re being “fleeced” or forced to pay a tithe, run for your life. Our giving is up to the Lord and many times He’s telling us to give way beyond a tithe. It all belongs to Him now.

The most important gift is the giving of yourself to God in Christ Jesus. Will you do it? Time is getting shorter and you must not put it off any longer. Today is the day of salvation.

In His Service,

Capt. Ben Marler

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

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Monday, June 21, 2010



There are many “man made” religions and they all have gods or a god but we who are Christians have but one God and His Name is Almighty God. If you want to come to know Him He’s made it possible by giving us the Holy Bible, His written Word. If you try and understand it intellectually you will be troubled for He says within it, It’s spiritually discerned. This means you need the Holy Spirit of God to help you. I learned this back in 1971 when He drew me to Himself by allowing me to believe that Jesus died for me.

I’ve written extensively about it and won’t do so here again but I will repeat I melted before Him. This means when the Holy Spirit brought me under conviction of my countless sins [I was 32 at the time] I knew I was undone. I had committed sins for which I’m so ashamed now but are now gone forever. God my Heavenly Father had them erased from the Books to be opened on Judgment Day and from His mind. He gave me eternal life and the peace that passes all understanding. He left me here to witness His goodness and mercy called Amazing Grace.

He has told us, “I will not strive with man forever”. That’s the theme of this message and if you’re wise you’ll heed it. Please ask yourself the important question, “Do I know about Jesus or do I have an intimate relationship with Him?“ Some might ask it another way, “Do I know for sure if I were to die right now I would definitely go to Heaven?” This isn’t as good a question for many believe they can add to His sacrifice on the cross. When asked they’ll tell you how “good” they are or how they aren’t as bad as someone else like a murderer. Religion has allowed them to do this and if you are one and want to help yourself please pray this prayer with all your heart. “Dear God, I know there must be some religion in me somewhere and I ask you in Jesus Name to remove it from me now.”

Some major denominations are not able to bring anyone to salvation for they are being led by the lost themselves. Please allow me to explain. Salvation is simple, God made it simple to confound the wise. Salvation is when we come to the place we are under conviction of our sinfulness [by the Holy Spirit] and admit it. Somehow we can see our sins on Jesus as He hung on the cross. As planned by God the scene breaks open our heart so we can “receive Jesus” by faith into our hearts. Paul tells us, “The mystery hidden from the ages is Christ within you the hope of Glory.” Once He is inside us our old life is over and we are now “in Christ“.

Ephesians 2:10 my favorite verse, tells us. “For we are His workmanship created “in Christ Jesus” to do good works that God Himself has prepared for us to walk in [do]” Please see “in Christ Jesus” for until we are in Him, we’re still lost. In First John 5:11-12 we’re reminded, “Those who have Jesus have eternal life. Those who have not Jesus, have not eternal life.” Please see it doesn’t say, “Those who believe in Jesus have eternal life but those who have Him. In John 1:12 He tells us. “To as many as those who “receive Him” to them gave He the power to become the children of God even those who believe in His Name [Jesus].” Do you understand Christianity isn’t a religion which requires us to do things but a brand new life in Christ Himself.

He gave us two laws, Love God with all we are and have and love our neighbors as we love ourselves. If you are in Jesus, are you keeping these two laws willfully? If you are, then help me to take the Good News to the lost while we have time. God is running out of patience with mankind. If you’re wondering why, please understand He hates violence and it’s increasing world wide. Because of violence He sent the great flood that destroyed all breathing life except for Noah, his family and an ark full of birds and animals. When He did it He was giving mankind one more chance and we’ve “blown it”. As I write Iran is preparing to nuke Israel or use chemical weapons capable of mass murder in an attempt to irradiate them.

What they should realize Israel has the power now to place Iran back in the stone age and will, unless the Lord intervenes. Israel has been God’s people since God sent Abraham to the land thousands of years ago. Read the Exodus in the Bible and you can see how it was given to them. Later, due to their disobedience they lost control of it and were cast all over the earth as was prophesied. Then in 1948 by a true miracle it was returned to them by an agreement with the British and other countries involved after a war. It’s their’s now and no one will ever be able to take it away from them. Jesus is coming again and He will place His feet upon the mountain from where He left after His Resurrection. Do not disappoint Him by not being prepared when He comes. Be born again today. If you need help, just ask.

In His Service,

Capt. Ben Marler

Monday, June 14, 2010


America has two major political parties the Democrats and the Republican. Both have folks in them that should be removed for not keeping their oath of office. Just watching TV now is nauseating for the party in power is being led by Demoncrats. Before you become angry allow me to say I am judging them according to the Word of God. There is no way He, who forms all humans in the womb, “knitting them together” can approve of the willful killing of the innocent. With out going into it just what political party champions abortion? There are Republicans who are also guilty for they have been tempted to join the slaughter to keep their positions in Congress.

How I wish for a great revival to spring forth now where the Holy Spirit can bring conviction and true repentance not only to them but to the masses that support them. Please pray with me for one that will be accompanied by God’s mighty power to save, heal and deliver.

Folks we are running out of time for the world is in great danger now from the threat of armed conflict between Israel and Iran. When this happens the repercussions will be felt world wide. Like it or not we have allowed our economy to be supported by foreign oil when we have plenty of our own. The nuclear power plants should be widespread giving us energy but there are folks who are determined to destroy this country one way or another.

As much as I detest the impact the oil spill is having on our ecology and lives we need to keep our eyes on Jesus instead. Let’s leave the work and anger to those hired now to clean it up. Unless you are employed and trained you have no business messing with it. What you can do instead is go into a closet and ask God to finish His business so we can come home.

If you’re born again of the Spirit of Jesus you have an eternal home, heaven. If you are still lost in your sins, today is the day you can become free from them and have God adopt you too. He leaves that up to us but hurts each time a lost person dies for He knows on Judgment Day, to keep His Word, He will have them cast into hell. If we’re born again and don’t feel His pain we must go and ask for it. Until we experience the agony of Jesus there isn’t anyway we are going to “really care” if people get saved, not even our own family members. This is a terrible shame.

Why do you think God left us here after adding us to His family? We are to be servants and stewards so He can reward us later on. Not everyone in Heaven will serve Him the same way. Those who put God and His purposes first will be first there. Many tell me, “Oh, I will just be glad to get inside the door.” They are ignorant and must be told that God wants to use them as a conduit for His saving love. Jesus wants to love “everyone” through us so “they” will know we are His disciples. Are you open to be used?

One of the first things God does when He adds us to the Family is give us the Holy Spirit inside us. This is being born the second time. The Holy Spirit is there to lead us into all Truth. He is with us to anoint us to have the same power Jesus experienced. Few seem to believe it and never have the power to witness making Satan as happy as a lark. Please read Luke 3:16 and ask Jesus to baptize you. Your Pastor or someone probably baptized you in water for repentance but may not have even understood the second baptism. Many tell me they have it but can’t produce a testimony confirming it. It is up to you for God gives us a lot of freedom to serve or not. Please read Ephesians 2; 8,9 and 10 as a package.

The bottom line is simply this, we can be like the Demoncrats who are headed for judgment [unless they repent and are born again] making a mockery of God’s purposes. I hope and pray you will take this message very seriously for it has eternal consequences. Stand up for the unborn and speak out as Jesus would be doing now. Never support a politician who you know isn’t serving God and his or her country honorably. Finally, submit yourself to Jesus 24/7/365 and allow Him to work through you to bring Life to those who are dying. You’ll be shocked as to all that He has for you.

In His Service,

Capt. Ben Marler

Thursday, June 10, 2010



No one knows when Jesus will return to earth. He said that only the Father in Heaven knows. So I won’t venture a guess other than to say there’s going to be an event that will shock the world before He does. When He finally returns His foot will set down upon the spot from which He ascended. You can read about it in the beginning of the Book of Acts. What you’re about to read here is something very special and only a few will make the flight. You can be on it “if” you’re willing to give up your life [will] and surrender to the Lordship of Jesus. Trust me, only those born again will go.

Paul tells us in First Thessalonians 4:13-18 that there will be a shout by the arch-angel and those alive [living in Christ] along with the dead [who died in Him] will arise and meet the Lord in the air. This is called the rapture or great snatch. Please notice Jesus meets us in the air not here on earth. Please read the verses above and see it for yourself.

I believe this can happen at anytime now for I’m watching Israel surrounded by it’s enemies vowing to utterly wipe it off the map. Iran, it’s main enemy, is working hard to make nuclear weapons to use in attacking Israel. Personally, I don’t think they’ll get the chance for Israel is led by Benjamin Netanyahu an Israeli patriot who will strike them first.

Israel’s air force is perhaps the best in the world considering it’s size. It has it’s own IBM’s with small nuclear warheads. These Jericho 2 missiles are accurate and devastating. Now there are also new submarines with cruise missiles. I believe God has all of this under His control. Before He allows this conflict that will bring on the Great Tribulation He’ll remove His children to safety with Jesus.

The last verse says, “Therefore comfort one another with these words.” I’m not comforted that billions will be left during a time that Jesus said, “Unless my Father had shortened the days not even the elect could be saved.“ I hope you will believe these scriptures for they can save your life. Together, we can warn our loved ones to prepare too.

There’s no way anyone can be saved except by true repentance and then placing their full trust in all that Jesus did. His death and resurrection was for us and if we “receive Him” into our hearts [life], He’ll come in giving us a brand new life with “an experience“. We can’t have His and ours too for if we try, we’ll end up with a man made religion and not intimate relationship. I’ve been in both places, and there isn’t any comparison.

Until we experience forgiveness there isn’t anyway we can love Jesus as we should. When I surrendered [melted] before Jesus I literally felt shame and guilt leave me like a heavy weight being removed. Satan had used this load to keep me “guilty”. That night the Holy Spirit met me in my bedroom and anointed me so I could witness. And I have plus I’ve written extensively about it and won’t include any here except to say He led me with vivid incredible dreams that I can still remember 39 years later.

He also gave me this prophetic gift to share encouragement with the church. If you are being encouraged by these words please give Jesus the glory for I’m just His typist. If you’re still lost in yours sins afterwards it isn’t His fault nor mine. You must surrender your life [all of it] to Him.

There’s a verse that should help you do it. “Seek you first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and then all things shall be added unto you.” Do you understand what He’s saying here? In the Lord’s prayer we pray, “Thy Kingdom come Thy will be done..” We are already praying for it but just not willing or able to bring it to where we live. Isn’t this true?

God’s righteousness is our righteousness and was given to us when Jesus died for us. His most righteous act was to go to the cross for us. If we’re picking up our cross and walking with Jesus daily under the anointing of the Holy Spirit all things we need will be added unto us, so we can stop worrying. Please understand we aren’t earning our salvation, Jesus did that for us. What we’re doing is becoming true servants of the Lord like He intended. Our “works” reveal our faith just as it says in James. “Faith without works is dead.” It isn’t what we do on our own but what He leads us to do. If you are busy doing His labors you can rest in the promise that one day you’re going to zoom off earth and meet Jesus just above the earth just as He said and I’ll be there with you, to forever be with the Lord. Isn’t He wonderful?

In His Service,

Capt. Ben Marler

Thursday, June 3, 2010



Are you stressed over the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico? If you aren’t, consider yourself as part of the minority. The 24 hour news services won’t let it become anything less than a national disaster. It may turn out to be a horrible blow to us, and then again it might not. I’m not saying that there won’t be folks greatly impacted for many are already in bad shape. I’m speaking on a larger scale now so please consider the words that follow.

Do you know why you were born? There was an excellent chance you wouldn’t have been except for one thing, God loved you before you were conceived in your mom. From biology class on human reproduction it was pointed out that it took a small miracle for a tiny sperm to reach a fertile egg at the proper time to provide God the ingredients to make us. The Bible tells us that God knits us together in the womb. Why do you think He did, for most of us have bad histories and certainly didn’t reward Him for His good work making us. Isn’t this true?

God knew that and provided a way for us to be redeemed and we all need redemption, including all the “goody two shoes” among us. We’ve all sinned and have fallen short of the Glory of God. He knew we would and devised a plan to bring us sinners into an intimate relationship where our past, no matter how black, could be washed as clean as new snow. Only one thing could accomplish it, His Own Blood which Jesus shed on Calvary. All God requires is our repentance [a look at our past with repugnance and a willingness to turn and go the other way] and a confession of our sins with a sincere request for God’s forgiveness by faith.

Instantly we receive it “if” we aren’t playing games with God. How stupid for anyone to do it but it happens constantly. I believe with all my heart this is the result of a lack of preaching on the cross. We have hard hearts and they must be opened for the Gospel. The cross upon which Jesus hung was a place of execution, easily the worse way devised by the evil in man. Jesus hung there for 6 hours as His Blood spilled upon the ground for us. He had already been beaten to the point of death by the Romans using a scourge. His beard had been ripped out of His face and He was spit upon by His tormentors. He listened to their cruel and hateful words all the while loving and forgiving them “for they didn’t know what they were doing.”

Well folks lets admit it we do know what they were doing. They were killing Jesus for us. We haven’t an excuse if we don’t care He suffered so much. If the Holy Spirit is convicting you of your sins that were placed upon Him, you are most blessed. Someone somewhere loves you and is praying for you. I saw this in the jail ministry where some prisoners could hear the Gospel and to others it was nonsense.

Right now Christians of all stripes are ignorant of God’s love for them. If they had a clue they would be out on the street corners, in public places and definitely in houses of worship testifying of His goodness to them. Instead they have joined with the lost and condemn God for allowing an oil spill or earthquake or other natural bad thing to happen. Forget it folks this is God’s good earth and not ours. God gave it to our forefather Adam and he sinned along with Eve and the devil grabbed it. Satan doesn’t own earth for he doesn’t own anything but a place in hell. But temporarily he has “lordship” here. If we want to follow him we can but we’ll end up with him in hell.

Have you read chapter 3 in First John? You need to do it today and while you’re at it, read the other four chapters. It should cleanse you of any religion. I hate religion for it’s man made and has robbed God of millions of sons and daughters. Only Jesus saves and it’s His desire to bring everyone under His Lordship by coming to live inside them. This is called being born again. If you aren’t born again, you’re lost! You don’t have to be lost for God’s amazing grace is still available for a while longer. It’s up to us if we want to live “in Christ” so He can live in us. Once He does, you’re an immortal. You can’t die, your body can, but you will live with God forever in Heaven. This is a promise from Him. “To be absent from the body is to be with the Lord.”

Now considering God is willing to take someone as bad as you and me as a son or daughter, cleansing us with His Blood, could He not clean up His Gulf? You bet and besides, the Bible tells us the world will be destroyed and He is going to start over with a new earth [no oceans] with a city 1500 miles cubed sitting upon it. We who are His will live there, even though we deserve to be sent to hell. God will live there too and it will always be light and filled with Joy and Happiness. Read Revelations 20-22 to see this along with who won’t be there. Surrender to Jesus now and live forever.
For Him, Capt Ben Marler

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


“Who me? Walk by faith, you must be kidding. I have eyes and a good mind and if I can’t see it, I’m not going to believe.” Lots of folks don’t utter these words but deep down inside that’s exactly how they feel. The evidence is everywhere. How many people do you know live as if they believe the Bible is true? Most might believe it’s the “Good Book” but that’s about all. If they believed it was the Word of God, given to us so we could have fellowship with Him and eternal life, they would believe in all He says within it.

There are things we see everyday that might cause us to fall from fellowship with the Lord. He won’t release us from His family, but like the prodigal, He will allow us to go just far enough to see that all there is beyond Him is hog food. Some folks spend fortunes eating out when they really don’t have the means. With what one meal costs they could buy a week or two worth of groceries. Some also leave tips that’s are huge when they wouldn’t give a dime to the work of the Lord. I’m not against restaurants and waiters for one of my grand daughters is an excellent waitress who earns more money in a night than I did working for Vitro services in a week when still at FSU.

The equipment we used could track a B 47 bomber 75 miles off Destin. I was happy one day when the pilot began his turn to the left for he was disappearing from view in the 12 power tracking binocular on my side of the Contraves Photo- Theodolite. I can assure you, I also operated on a lot of faith when I had to load and unload movie cameras inside a black bag. In this case the bomber was making a 30 mile circuit between runs where it would make simulated “toss bombing” runs off our coast. Time was very short between them and the three cameras ate film at 30 frames a second.

If you’re one who’s struggling with your faith, and everyone does sooner or later, you need to take this up with the Lord today. Nothing is more important if you call yourselves a Christian. Hebrews 11:6 is so incredibly important I’ve memorized it. “For without faith man can not please God for we must believe that HE IS and that HE IS a rewarder of them that “diligently“ seek Him.“ He also tells us faith comes from reading and hearing the Words of Jesus. Are you reading the Bible and listening when He’s uplifted? If you aren’t, how do you expect to walk by faith and not by sight? I don’t believe you can.

Religion might allow you to walk by sight but God won’t. He tells us we must be like a child to even enter into the Kingdom of God. Do you think a child checks out the food his or her mom is feeding them? They might not like it, but if hungry enough, they’ll eat it and may even learn to like it. When our daughters were little we had to cover the yellow and green stuff with applesauce. It’s “sweetness” allowed them to eat the vegetables which they needed to be healthy.

God is willing to give us some sweetness too if we’re hungry enough. Through the decades from time to time He has given me revelation on something that thrilled my soul. It encouraged me to get up daily and read what I’ve read countless times before. What I can see, but sometimes others can’t, is from a faith that can’t be bought. It’s like He is adding gold dust into my account when I read. The dust is so fine it’s almost invisible until it lands upon a mound of it where it adds to the value and weight.

How much is in your account? Not much, if you aren’t reading the Bible. If you start in Genesis it won’t be long before you’ll stop. So, do yourself a favor and begin with the Gospel of John or First John which is right before the Book of Revelations. As you read, ask the Holy Spirit it teach you for it’s He who gives us revelation. He’s in love with you and cares that you become a devout follower of Jesus. This means you will seek to walk daily as if you were in the party of disciples closest to the Lord. You’ll be surprised as to how often you’ll find yourself walking in His sandals.

I’ve walked a lot in them, and looking back, those were the best days of my life. He’s promised me that one day He’s going to lift me up and I’ll be with my loved ones who’ve gone before. I believe Him and I don’t fear death at all. “I Am the Resurrection and the Life. He who believes in Me even if He die yet shall he live. Whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die.“ Do you believe Him too? If you are, you’re already walking by faith in Jesus.

In His Service,

Capt. Ben Marler