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Wednesday, June 12, 2013


(PHOTO: IF JESUS WAS STANDING IN YOUR SHOES [SANDALS] TODAY: Consider what He would do dealing with (life) as you live it. Do you think He would first spend some time with the Father? Then, would He spend some time in worship [dedicating Himself to obey] Him. Could He then begin to look through the Father's eyes and see like with a microscope the special needs in His path. I'd bet He's say to the Holy Spirit who was UPON HIM "send me" and allow me to please the Father. I'm convinced we do little of the above as part of His body the Church. Instead some tend to take a verse or two, or in some cases more, and begin to tear them apart using Greek, Hebrew and the other languages in which they may have been recorded seeking more understanding. THIS IS UTTER NONSENSE: God isn't impressed with this sort of thing. He said He made the Gospel simple to confound the wise [folks who enjoy this sort of thing]. Let's you and I arm ourselves with a reading from the scriptures where we first asked the Holy Spirit to teach us and then GO AND SHARE JESUS. I know few are evangelists but all are witnesses [if] they are born again. We have a story of redemption to share with the lost and they need to hear it DESPERATELY. If I was wrong about this, do you think He would have me repeating it over and over? It comes down to this, for us to be a disciple of Jesus we [must] pick up our crosses daily and follow HIM. I'm doing it but only by His AMAZING GRACE. Jesus said, "You can do nothing apart from Me." If you believe Him [then] let Him walk in your shoes or sandals today. You will know when He's in them for their is JOY, JOY, AND MORE JOY. I love you folks. Please pray with me and for my family too we all need more. Shalom.

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