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Thursday, May 27, 2010


Folks you must grasp this fact. We are going somewhere when we die. According to Jesus the rich man who was found in the flames was there forever. He had no hope none at all. Lazarus an old beggar that used to beg for scraps at his door was instead being comforted in the arms of father Abraham in Paradise. When he spotted them he begged for Lazarus to be allowed to come and cool his lips with some water for he was in torment. He was told it was impossible for there was a deep chasm between them that couldn’t be crossed either way.
Get it in your heart and mind right now this message is to bring you to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Jesus saves and only He can but for you to experience it someone must pray for you first. The fact you have read this far should allow you to know someone has prayed for you. I’ve asked God to allow all who read it to find their security in His promises.
The next thing you must realize is Salvation was earned by Jesus as He hung on a cross with His precious Blood being spilled upon the ground. There isn’t a work we can do to earn favor with God. This is His way of making sure there isn’t a speck of pride in Heaven. Pride is the worse sin in His sight. We must live humbly with Jesus as our Lord. If you don’t know what the word Lord means allow me to explain it for you. It is the title of Almighty God the Creator of the universe. He alone has all power and authority. What He says is how it is and everything He says is Good.
The only time we don’t agree is when we are following our flesh instead of His Spirit. The Holy Spirit comes to live in us when we repent of our sinful life with remorse and “receive” Jesus into our hearts. Paul said, “The mystery hidden from the ages is Christ within you the hope of glory.“ It is the Holy Spirit within us that truly makes us acceptable to God for He is One with Jesus and the Father. It’s as if God accepting Himself.
I won’t blame you for not understanding all of this for it must be spiritually discerned. Much of what God does defies our ability to comprehend it. For instance I can’t understand why mosquitoes were made and why they love me so much. Some of them carry terrible diseases that can kill us. They are hateful creatures to us but in the high artic they are the food of the water fowl that arrive after spending the winter down south. Every place a caribou steps he leaves a depression in the bog.
When the snow melts each become a small lake or nursery for zillions of mosquitoes. I’ve seen the ducks, geese and other critters eat the larva as it rises to the surface. If there weren’t so many the waterfowl would starve. How I wish they didn’t breed here too for they stress me.
One thing for sure there won’t be any in Heaven where I’m going to live. All who have accepted the Gospel will live there too. Much of what we will do there has been hidden from us but God has said, “Eye has not seen nor ear heard all the things God has prepared for man that loves Him.“ Remember this verse as it has an important clue for us. We are to love the Lord our God with all of our hearts, souls, minds and strength so that we can love our neighbors as we love ourselves. This is paramount to the Lord, nothing surpasses it. James tells us that we reveal our faith by our works and there are some prepared for us to accomplish. Ephesians 2: 8-10 makes this clear. Our works don’t save us but they do identify us as His.
If you don’t have an inclination to help those around you who are hurting I would take it up with Jesus. I’d want to know why my heart is hard when His is so soft. It may be that we aren’t born again YET. In Matthew 25 you will see Jesus turn away half the virgins who represent the Church. The worst words in the Bible are spoken here, “I never knew you.“ They had lots of religion but none of His Spirit. I was one myself for nearly 33 years so I know the difference of experiencing the New Birth and not having it.
In John 3 Jesus made it clear to Nicodemus and us too that we MUST BE born again. You can believe your church leaders or Jesus. There are some huge denominations who don’t teach this as doctrine. These same ones are in big trouble with the priests involved in horrible sins with young boys. This should be a wake up call to the laity who are following along in error.
Just remember God has the New Jerusalem prepared for those who surrender to the Lordship of Jesus. If you have, from everlasting to everlasting you will live there in a brand new perfect body like His. If this is what you desire, tell Him. He loves you with an everlasting love.
In His Service,
Capt. Ben Marler

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


There have always been people who want nothing to do with God and there’s a very good reason for it. They see Him as stern and mean instead of Loving like we who are born again know Him in Jesus and this isn’t a small problem for them. We’re the only ones He has now to rescue them from sudden doom which looms before them. Jesus told us only a few would be saved, even though God said He desires all men to repent and be saved. This message will offer some ways to overcome their resistance. Read on and see what you can do to bring the Kingdom of God to where you live.

Today I encountered a man on a street corner with a cardboard sign. I’ve decided that to give them money is unwise for it will end up being spent on anything but nutritional food items. In my vehicle I had lots of bananas to give away here in Destin and also through the fellowship where Joan and I worship. I motioned for him to come over to the window and handed him a bag full. His eyes lit up and he said, “bananas, thank you.” As I looked at his face my first thought was, no one would hire him. It was obvious he had wasted his life away with alcohol and drugs. I hurt for him but there wasn’t a thing I can do in cases like this, unless God says, “Do something“. I know we can do something for some folks before they are this far gone.

We, who are God’s kids, must spend time with Jesus and allow His Spirit within us to flow in worship and service. There isn’t anything we can do “outside” of Him. He said, “You can do nothing apart from Me.” So let that sink in or you’ll become very frustrated in a hurry. Yesterday, after I made some copies of some messages to hand out I met a clerk who refused one saying, “I don’t believe in God.” To be honest, I didn’t handle this as well as I would have liked for he seemed proud of his atheism. I tried to engage him in some rational thought, like why does he think the water moves under the bridge at Destin. I wanted to show him that the Lord placed a perfectly sized moon the correct distance away to create a gravitational tidal flow to oxygenate the bay so the shrimp, etc., could live.

His arrogance made it impossible. When I spoke to his boss he said, “I believe in the big bang.” Lord, help me now! I told him I’m a retired boat captain and I saw many flying fish [which is my favorite fish to see] while out on the gulf, how did they come about from the big bang? He was arrogant too and said, “I believe in flying fish.“ It was obvious this wasn’t going anywhere so I headed for the door. Then all of a sudden, I turned to the first guy and said, you know lots of folks think I’m crazy and I am, for I love you. Before he could reply I turned on my heel and left the store. As I reached the sidewalk I prayed Lord, let him chew on that for a while.

I blame religion for most of these problems. No one wants to be controlled and God doesn’t approve of it either. In Revelations Jesus said He hated the work of the Nicolaitans. God gives us freedom to live and love as Jesus loved. Jesus had one desire and that was to please the Father. If we are his disciple shouldn’t we be the same? You bet, and the sooner we get to it the better. Every time I see these two clerks I’m only going to love on them. If God wants more then He’ll have to tell me. Otherwise, they’re on their own.

You may have some in your family who are like these two. Why not ask God if He’s assigned someone else to reach them. Just love on them with “unconditional love” and rest in the fact that God can get them. I do believe in praying a “Boma” or corral of protection around folks, but after almost 40 years trying, I still haven’t been able to save a single soul.

Jesus is the Savior but that will happen when we stand before Him on Judgment Day. We shouldn’t call Him our Savior unless we’re living in Him and for Him. Countless “Christians” proclaim Jesus as their Lord when there isn’t the slightest bit of evidence He is. There isn’t a flow of love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, longsuffering, temperance and faithfulness coming from them. Until we’re walking in Jesus, there can’t be any.

Please realize we’re to have Jesus as our Lord [boss] and to do as we’re told, then the fruit of His Spirit will be pouring from us. He said He’s the Vine and we’re the branches who must abide in Him. [John 15] If you aren’t reading daily from the Bible, from mostly in the New Testament, you’ll remain ignorant and lifeless. Our life is to always be a blessing to others just as Jesus is a blessing to us. Can God count on you to serve Him? Be born again and it’s a slam dunk. If you need help, ask and you shall receive.

In His Service,

Capt. Ben Marler

Monday, May 24, 2010


This is a very familiar term in American politics. There seems to be two schools of thought on most everything and from time to time each will galvanize folks into political groups. The most prevalent here in America are the Republican and Democratic parties. From time to time others will surface [like the tea party one now] but all seem to sink out of sight until later on when the same issues will resurrect it or them. Politics has become nothing more now than where a few are attempting to grab as much power as possible to control the rest of us.
I’m not saying every politician is a “pole cat” but once many get into office they have one thing in mind and that’s to get re-elected. This drives them to scratch the backs of some who are down right dishonest. The Bible tells us, “Bad company corrupts good morals.“ I suspect it more appropriate in politics than anywhere else. Well, this message isn’t about all this but to alert you to the coming of the LORD JESUS CHRIST to rule on earth.
Just as God raised up John the Baptist before Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit to minister to the Jewish Nation we who are His have the same job to do today. You may have been led to believe that salvation comes without responsibility but you are about to get a wake up call right here. If you are one of the millions who “got saved” by lifting a hand in church or by being baptized I hope you have a viable testimony to back it up. This means you must be able to tell when you died to your old life [should have happened in mere minutes] and came alive in Jesus by being born again. If you can’t I would counsel you to consider yourself lost.
To give you an idea what this means, Jesus when living in us causes us to love everyone even those we don’t like. Do you love everyone? You can by going to the cross and getting a picture as to what God did to His Son for you. It boils down to this: Do you care that Jesus was whipped to near death by the Romans using a hateful scourge that removed flesh? Do you care that He was slapped, slugged in the face where His beard had been ripped out? Do you care He was verbally abused as they spit in His face? Does it bother you that He was thrown down and nailed to a rugged cross to die? Do you care that while hanging there all but a few deserted Him including God the Father? Do you recall Jesus crying out, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken ME? Yes God turned away for your sins and mine were on Jesus and God hates sin.
Jesus was left hanging on those cruel spikes for six hours. That is a very long time to die and we know it. As He hung there His Blood dripped from the many wounds. They didn’t know then and many today don’t know the Blood of Jesus is the only thing that can remove sin. It can still remove sin and God will use it to cleanse you if you are willing to repent. This word doesn’t mean “I’m sorry“. It really means God I’ve very sorry for my sins and hate them as you do. How I wish I had never committed them and I now choose to go the other way and live my life for you instead of myself.
If this is from your heart you’ll be forgiven for them and made clean as new snow. God won’t call you a sinner again but a child of His. “To as many as those who receive Him [Jesus] to them gave He the power to become the children of God even those who believe in His Name.“ John 1:12 Trust me in this you can not receive the Spirit of God into a dirty heart. Anyone who says you can is wrong, dead wrong. Paul tells us that “The secret hidden from the ages is Christ within you the hope of glory.“ If you knew Jesus was coming to your house would you clean it up first? Of course you would and I would too. I’d hire extra help to get it done right.
If you’ve received Jesus as your Lord would you be so kind as to send me an email and tell me about it? I’d walk a good mile to hear a real testimony. I’ve heard many and one that still blesses me is one told by one of my customers. He said he and his wife were sitting on a pew in their church when the most terrible man in their town came and sat next to him. He was a bit shocked and said, “Why are you here?” The man said, “I come to get saved.” He said he told him to go to the altar. I asked, did he go? He said, “He ran”. When the Holy Spirit is after us we run to God for we know we are lost and in danger of being cast into hell. There are so many ways the Lord can draw us to Jesus, yours may be unique too. Please share it with me.
While you’re at it, share it widely for it will help energize the Lord’s base where you live. The scriptures tell us “They defeated the devil with the Blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.” Use yours and defeat Satan when he’s after you. Are you a child of God? Win your battles!
In His Service,
Capt. Ben Marler

Monday, May 17, 2010


When Judas betrayed Jesus he inflicted unbelievable pain on the Lord. It would have been better if he had not been born. If you recall, in the account he soon realized that he had made a horrible mistake and hung himself. Just prior though he went back to the Sanhedrin admitting it. They didn’t care for they wanted Jesus out of the way and Judas threw the thirty pieces of silver into the sanctuary. They said, “This is the price of blood and can’t be placed back into the treasury.” So they took the money and bought a field where indigents and foreigners could be buried. It was called “the field of blood.”

I don’t know why, but I hurt for Judas and know that he may have been forgiven when Jesus went to the place of “departed spirits” during the three days His body was in the tomb. The scriptures tell us a host of captives were released from that place. How I hope Judas was in the group. You see, anyone cast into hell on Judgment Day will be there forever.

Jesus, in obedience to the Father, chose Judas when He was gathering the 12 Apostles and Judas walked for many miles with Him. On the other hand the scriptures tell us Judas was a thief and often pilfered from the collections given to Jesus and the group.

Have you and I ever stolen anything? I hate to admit it but I have and it grieves me. When I listen to Amazing Grace it moves me in my spirit for I know Jesus paid for my sins, including theft. How about you, are you grieved over your sins? If you aren’t this message is definitely for you. It was a very difficult thing for God to watch Jesus betrayed, beaten, cursed and nailed to a cross. The worse part for the Father must have been when the sins of the whole world were heaped on Jesus where He became sin for us. Think of some of the things you have done for which you would go into hiding if they became known. The embarrassment and shame would be way too much to bear. Some of them may even place us in a prison too. Jesus hung for six hours paying for these things, do you care?

That’s the bottom line with God, do you really care? If you do it is obvious to Him and you are instantly seeking forgiveness with a promise to “never do it again.“ I would bet this promise is broken more than any of them we make to God. Satan is always nearby listening and he is devilish in his cunning to get us to sin over and over unless we become born again. This means we can become a brand new person, with “no record” of having ever sinned, by repenting and receiving Jesus by faith into our hearts as LORD.

If you haven’t “received Jesus” as your Lord I guarantee you there have been times when you betrayed Him over and over. For instance, if you call yourself a Christian but act unloving to others, isn’t this the same thing? Jesus is LOVE. His love is called agape or “unconditional” and He loves everyone including His enemies. He forgave those who crucified Him while hanging on the cross. Isn’t that love? He said, “Father, forgive them for they don’t know what they were doing.”

What they were doing actually benefited mankind more than all the sermons preached afterwards put together. The act of these cruel Roman soldiers and the members of the Sanhedrin caused the spilling of the Blood of Jesus so God could erase the sins of all repentant sinners. All of the horrible wounds on Jesus bled. At the end a soldier pierced His side with a spear and the Bible tells us out came Blood and water. How precious is this Blood for without it, no one from Adam to the end of time could be saved.

Folks, I’ve had it with religion. Religion is man made and doesn’t have a thing to do with the intimate relationship offered by God to us. Jesus said, “True religion is ministry to widows and orphans in their need and to keep oneself unstained from this world.” If your denomination or fellowship is demanding more of you run as fast as you can to Jesus who will set you free. Yes, free to live as a servant of God who will be rewarded when we stand before Him. Please read Matthew 25 today and see it for yourself.

You need to make a decision today. Am I going to kiss Jesus like Judas? Am I going to live as if I don’t know Him? Am I going to continue to deny Him when I have opportunities to make Him known? Am I going to ask God to fill me to over flowing with His agape so others can come to know Jesus too? Or, am I going to just keep on keeping on as I’ve been doing?

You’re in my prayers to make the right choice and become a dynamic servant of the Living God Who will reward you with eternal life and a residence in Heaven. What are you going to do? Don’t put it off!

In His Service,

Capt Ben Marler

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Before you say you aren’t, read on and discover a truth the Lord is showing me. Did you know the vast majority of Christians are “possessed by their possessions“? I know I am and this has to change. There are some things I don’t share with anyone. Some are very dangerous things and in the hands of a child or irresponsible person someone could lose their life or be seriously injured. Then there are other things like motor boats and automobiles that could make me liable if misused creating financial havoc beyond my insurance policy limits. It’s wise to keep them in my care.

The most important possession most folks have is money. If it becomes our god we’re in real trouble for it can lead us astray in a hurry. Some folks gamble theirs away which is my definition of being stupid. If you’ve worked as hard and Joan and me it’s the last thing you would want to do. I still remember penny bubble gum and nickel cokes. I’ve been known to drive across town to save a few pennies a gallon on gas. When we were in college, we darn near starved. I made about $1.56 an hour working for Walgreens and Sears. I had to drop out for a while when Athena was coming. I made $65 a week working for Vitro Services and glad to get it.

God set me free from ownership of money even before I was filled with the Holy Spirit. I won’t give details here but He showed me that money is a only a tool, and when in His hands, some really great things can happen. One thing is He begins to bless us with more and more. There’s a wonderful verse that declares, “Give and it shall be given unto you, pressed down into your cup even spilling over into your lap.” God doesn’t do it to make us “rich” but to make it possible for us to help others. Think of God’s Love as a verb and you’ll get the idea.

If you are one that’s financially comfortable make sure you don’t own your wealth. There’s a simple reason for God said, “Do not lay up treasure for yourselves here on earth where rust and moth corrupts and thieves can break in and steal. Instead lay up treasure in Heaven where rust and moth can not corrupt and where thieves can not break in and steal.“ Do you have any laid up there? By the way, this isn’t a suggestion but a command.

My dad was a man who enjoyed giving more than anyone I’ve ever known. He grew up “dirt poor”. He told me of times when he was in Pensacola penniless. For .25 cents he could have bought a bowl of beef stew but he didn’t have a quarter. Later if he saw someone he thought was hungry they were fed and it became a joy for him. My mom began to become concerned for some took advantage of him. But he didn’t mind. God is like that too. We are fed by God daily and don’t we take advantage of Him?

What do we have including our next breath or heart beat that He isn’t giving us? No one is more generous that our Heavenly Father. He gave the most important person in His life when He sent Jesus to die for us. I can assure you I wouldn’t give one of my daughters or grandchildren to die for anyone. I would die for them, if necessary, and defend them to my grave. I bet you would say the same thing.

As much as we call them “ours” we aren’t being truthful for they all belong to God who formed them in their mom. Did you know when He first saw you He told you how much He loved you? The fingerprints He printed on your fingers are His mark on you. You are very unique and special to Him.

Did you know that once you’re born again you’re God’s possession in a very special way? He has used the Blood of Jesus to wash all repentant sinners as clean as new snow. Nothing else will work so don’t try religion or “good works”. We must simply believe upon the works of Jesus believing in His death and resurrection for us personally. That’s not too hard, Amen? Before Jesus can come inside us we must repent or turn around from our sinful lifestyle. Don’t say you can’t for many millions who have already done it are proving you wrong. If you gaze upon Jesus dying on his cross, it won’t be difficult at all. He paid a huge price for each of us.

There are folks who’re possessed by evil spirits. I met a huge number during a jail ministry. If we give ourselves over to evil spirits they will at first “oppress us” or have us abusing ourselves. Alcohol, drugs, promiscuous sex, gluttony, reckless behavior are only a few ways demons use to ruin our lives. After a while they can actually enter into our spirit where we could become a monster. Without belaboring the point, watch the news and you will see demonic “monsters” who’ve become horrible murderers. When we surrender to Jesus and filled with His Spirit we become lovers like Him.

In His Service,

Capt. Ben Marler

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Fishermen Pray for Divine Guidance


Dear Jim, As you might imagine the captains, crew members and their families are in shock here now. I've been asked to lead a prayer time tomorrow at 9 AM. I will enlist others to help me but I'm going to preach a Bloody Gospel first. The majority are not born again and live lives that don't flatter them. Please being praying with us, 10 your time. Here is a message composed as this whole opportunity arose in my heart. May God honor the preaching of His Word with signs and wonders following. love you capt ben

There isn’t a Gospel with out the shedding of Blood. If you aren’t familiar with the Old Testament you probably don’t know that God allowed Moses and Aaron to use the blood of animals and birds in specific ways where the blood from them would atone or cover the sins of the people when they repented. This actually began when Moses was leading the people from slavery by the Egyptians in the Exodus. The blood of a small “unblemished” sheep or goat was sprinkled on the door lintel and post causing the angel of death to “pass over” those inside.

Why God chose this way is further understood when we see John the Baptist telling those who were coming to confess their sins and be baptized that there was One coming after him who he was unworthy to untie His sandals. This One would baptize them in the Holy Spirit and with FIRE. We know He’s Jesus the Christ who came to save us sinners. John also revealed Him as the “unblemished lamb” to be slain for the sins of the whole world.

Jesus had a miracle ministry of about three years. During this time He raised up disciples who could take His message of redemption to the ends of the earth. His message is one of unconditional love meaning He loves us no matter what we have done or not done. He proved His love when He allowed Himself to be thrown down and nailed to a cross to die.

His death was absolutely horrible and bloody. Isaiah and David told us it would be in Isaiah 53 and in Psalm 22. They were looking forward as prophets and Jesus was sacrificed for us as they said. I hope you will watch the movie The Passion of the Christ for it has scenes within it that can break your heart.

The horrible beating Jesus received was to gain the stripes that we can look upon to be healed. By His stripes are we healed is in Isaiah 53 and also in 1st Peter 2. If you’re a child of God, look upon them when you’re ill. Then go to the elders of your church congregation and have them anoint you with oil as you confess your sins. Their prayers will be honored by God setting you free from the illness. This is a sincere promise of God. He only requires us to believe it. He doesn’t promise instant healings but we will recover. Many don’t and therefore spend fortunes within the medical community.

Allow me to say, I love doctors and nurses. They are God’s ministers to our bodies. God is very good to give us this “secondary” level of grace. I strongly recommend you pray over all your medications asking God to bless them so they can’t hurt you. Some of it is the right thing but some might not be for doctors, even while doing their best, don’t always get it right.

Are you willing to come to God in repentance? If you aren’t, understand there is no way you can be saved. He has a record of every sin you’ve committed written down for Judgment Day. Nothing was hidden from Him and the angels who recorded it. You can face them or you can have them erased by accepting Jesus as your Lord.

He wants you to give up your life voluntarily, and then He’ll give you His. Born again explains this perfectly. Your old life for His and the baptism in water is the best illustration. The water is your grave and when you’re immersed in it’s become the grave for your old life [you only put dead people in graves] and when your uplifted and breathe it’s symbolic of your new life in Christ. His death and resurrection has become yours.

This isn’t religion folks for it isn’t controlling, but liberating. For nearly 39 years now God has set me free to serve Him. Without Jesus dying on the cross for me I would be headed to hell where I belong.

Will you allow Him to take charge of your life? If you will, tell Him. Tell Him how you feel that He hung in shame and pain with your sins upon His body. Tell Him how you feel about the beating, the curses, the abuse and the crown of thorns beaten into His scalp for you. Tell Him you love Him and then receive Jesus as your Lord.

If you refuse, you’ve committed the greatest of all sins, you’ve told God you don’t care that Jesus died for you. Please don’t do that. You are precious to God and He proved it while hanging on the cross for you.

In His Service,

Capt. Ben Marler