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Thursday, December 31, 2009


Don’t let the title scare you away for within this message you will discover how the Lord sees us who claim to be His. I’m shocked as to how so many can go to their denominational church forever and still can’t give a viable testimony. Do you know what that means? I do for I was as lost as a goose in a snowstorm for nearly 33 years. When my wife met Jesus in our living room some 38 years ago the Lord got all of my attention. I felt that my work in the church and my saying “I believe in Jesus” was all there was until then. Was I ever wrong for I could now see the glow on her face even in the dark.
Before this meeting she was like me, “ a good Christian”. Or, as some have witnessed to me, Why, I never killed anyone. Folks let me tell you, God considers it murder when we sincerely hate someone. If this shocks you, He also considers it adultery when we lust after someone. You see, God looks upon our hearts and has told us sin is conceived in our hearts, then we act them out to our shame and detriment. Did you know God says the wages of sin is death? He isn’t kidding, and as soon as this sinks in, please go to your knees and find His abundant forgiveness. If you aren’t willing, you best go to the cross and spend sometime with Jesus. After you see Him dying in your place, you will seek God’s forgiveness hopefully with tears.
Did you know that Christianity is really Jesus living inside us? He comes after we repent and are forgiven by God. He comes in us to “live again” by giving us the gift of eternal life. Did you know He said we must be born again? You can read it for yourself in John chapter 3. Did you know the vast majority of Christians never read their Bibles? If they do, it’s only on some extra special occasion. I can tell you why they don’t, God isn’t leading them. Why should He lead someone to read His Word prayerfully when He knows they won’t obey Him? No one can fool God and anyone who tries, is a fool. I used to be one! I did things that I’m so ashamed of now, and had I realized He was watching me, I wouldn’t have done them at the point of a loaded gun. I would have said, “Go ahead and shoot.”
Do you drive to worship services like a Christian? How about when you leave, do you race to a restaurant to beat other Christians to the tables? Sorry, but I’m guilty of that too. How I wish I hadn’t, but unless we guard ourselves our flesh can make a mockery of our “faith”. By the way did you know there isn’t any such thing as a “Catholic faith”, “Episcopal faith”, Baptist faith”, etc? Faith can’t be divided up like a garden where you plant different vegetables. There is only one Farmer and we just cast His seeds, the Gospel. God made the Gospel simple to “confound the wise.” Are you one of the wise? I sure hope not, these folks are more likely to wander into error. I can name some large denominations that have strayed so far from the Truth they are “very” lost. I often pray the Lord will send the Holy Spirit to them for ONLY HE can bring them back to Jesus.
Did you know you can’t argue anyone into Christianity? I tried a long time ago when I didn’t know any better. Most folks attending dead churches are there only because their moms and dads went there. They will defend them to the hilt for the sake of their parents or grandparents who are no longer alive. God won’t make puppets of us but He will listen to prayer. If you are moved to pray for someone who has religion but no flow of God’s love don’t give up. As long as they are breathing they can be saved. The criminal on the cross next to Jesus is an excellent example. At the last second his eyes were opened to realize his sinfulness and that Jesus was His Messiah. When he asked to be remembered, Jesus saved Him.
Here’s a test for you. Do you love anyone or thing more than Jesus? If you do I can assure you, your name isn’t in the Book of Life “yet“. Once we are born again we instantly love Him the most. This enables us to love the unlovable, even horrible criminals in a jail. I‘ve been there and done that. Before I was born again there wasn’t anyway in the world I could love them, especially since my brother was blown up with a bomb set by one. I could even pray God would forgive them and save them from an eternity in hell.
Can you believe that God said He desires that all men repent and be saved? He gave Jesus up to abuse, death and shame on a cross to accomplish it. Did you know God raised Jesus from the dead three days later? Because He did, you and I can live forever with Him in Heaven. I love Him. Do you love Him too? If you do, let love pour out where He sends you for many thirst for Him. By the way, read your Bible prayerfully for He wants to talk to you. He will meet with you as you seek His fellowship. I promise!
In His Service,
Capt. Ben Marler

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Folks, I hope this message will bring you to your knees. Jesus is God Almighty in the flesh. There is a day coming when everyone will fall on their knees and proclaim Him to be Lord, even if He wasn‘t their Lord.
At this time we need to be on our knees daily worshipping Him for He not only created us but came and died a horrible death so the Father could forgive us of our countless sins. What do you think will happen if we don’t? Do you think the Lord is going to brush off our lack of respect and adoration of His Only Begotten?
If you do, please change your mind right now for eternity could be seconds away. Not one of us knows the exact second we will die and as I write millions are close to leaving this world for the next. Some are seconds from an automobile wreck that will kill them. Others are near a massive thrombosis like the one that took my dad in 1970. I was with him a few hours earlier and he seemed fine to me. He wanted me to have lunch with him and some others but I’d planned to go to Panama City with a friend who was going to hunt in Alaska with me. A fellow with a lot of experience was going to give us some tips. I wish I had known God was going to take Him.
When I was ushered into the emergency room where my dad’s still body lay I was absolutely devastated and wept uncontrollably. Then standing next to him I recall praying, “Lord, thank you that this man was my daddy.” If anyone in the world was ready to meet Jesus that day it was him. I’ve written a lot about my dad’s devotion and labors for Jesus but the majority I never knew. Afterwards folks would tell me of ways he had blessed them. One, a young man on his way to seminary with a wife and children and no money, found in the note that my dad handed them contained a lot of it. We never knew he did this until several years later. The fellow ended up being elected the Bishop of Texas in the Episcopal Church.
My dad was in love with Jesus and I would like to know some day that my love for Him is as close. You might say, I’m working on it. You can too if you come to know Jesus. Knowing about Jesus is not knowing Jesus. Just as I feel many are still lacking intimacy and true knowledge, I too was a stranger. Jesus wants to come and live inside everyone but can’t if we refuse to repent. Please understand repentance isn’t simply saying I’m sorry. It means we recognize that our sins are hateful in the sight of God and must be washed in His Blood.
Can you see your sins on Him? If you can’t go to a quiet place where you can sit with Him. God want’s us to fall in love with Jesus not simply say, “I love Jesus.“ If anyone should ask we should be able to say Jesus is my Lord and God. He has led me to freedom to do and be all He intended when He created me. Or, I’m in the process of being led.
Jesus isn’t who most think. He isn’t the “man upstairs” or some other unflattering label. He is the One who holds the whole universe together. Please read the first chapter of Colossians for an eye opening. Every atom is bound together by His might. He created everything you see and all that you don’t see. We have submarines that can reach incredible depths and return with photos of creatures never seen before by man. Our electron microscopes reveal life forms that was only suspected before. The Hubble telescope is still opening the heavens as never before. What we can see is breathtaking. Do you understand why we should worship Him all the time?
Worship is a privilege and not a right. For us who have become born again it’s like breathing. All our thoughts and actions will hopefully bring glory to Jesus. We know He always knows what we are thinking for His Holy Spirit is within us. In Romans 8 we are told, “The sons of God are those who follow the Spirit of God.” May I humbly ask, are you doing them? If not, would you consider using the verse He gave me over 30 years ago and get busy? “For we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works that God Himself prepared for us to walk in.” Ephesians 2:10
I’ve changed it from plural to first person singular, “Good morning Father, Good morning Jesus, Good morning Holy Spirit, I’m your workmanship etc.“ Then I commit to do whatever He has for me. Any born again Christian can do the same. If you aren’t born again you should become one today, time is wasting. If you need my help please ask for I may also be seconds away from going home now. I’ll be 72 in July and that’s a long ways past my dad’s 59. He’s waiting on me with my mom, God showed me this and I want to see Jesus face to face. Do you want to see Him?
In His service,
Capt. Ben Marler

Friday, December 18, 2009


This message will bring healing to many once they allow their past understanding of divine healing and grab hold of this TRUTH.
We must understand that Jesus came to save sinners and did so when He died on a cross with every sin ever committed or would be was heaped upon Him. Can you imagine the stench that rose to Heaven as He bore them? It’s no wonder God the Father deserted Jesus causing Him to cry out, “My God, My God why have you forsaken Me.” After this plea the Father must have held His nose and looked back upon His Only Begotten. Please grasp this with all your might for without it how can you and I love Jesus enough?
The truth is we can’t and this is why we see “Christians” having to be recommitted, some over and over. Personally, I don’t believe these folks are born again [yet]. We who enjoy intimacy with Jesus have it as a duty and a privilege to not judge those outside His family but always be reaching out to them. The LOVE of God inside us is all we need so let it loose and see Him redeem them for Himself.
If you think about it Jesus actually accomplished three things as He died. One He shed His Blood so the Father could wash us clean as we repent and accept Jesus as our Lord. He is also our Savior but that will be realized on Judgment Day. Please don’t go around calling Jesus your Savior if you aren’t walking in obedience. Didn’t Jesus say, “Why do you call me Lord, Lord and not do what I say?“ Yes He did and few seem to hear it.
As He hung in agony the pain from the beating ministered by the brute Roman Soldiers with a scourge that lacerated His body leaving stripes which were bloody welts. Bits and pieces of His flesh had been removed with each blow. This is a historical fact and the moment we look upon them trusting His agony and sacrifice for us healing will flow to us. Don’t struggle with this just do it. When I feel “ugly” I instantly go to the Lord and thank Him for being beaten nearly to death FOR ME! If you are born again please consider healing as part of your inheritance for it is.
Jesus defeated Satan at the Cross and everything that He accomplished is ours as we receive Him into our hearts as LORD. Please memorize John 1:12 for it is paramount to our relationship. “To as many as those who receive Him [Jesus] gave He the power to become the children of God, even those who believe in His Name.” I will never forget the day the Holy Spirit illuminated this verse to me. For at least 30 days it was the only thing I wanted to speak about. At Last, the Lord allowed me to understand that Salvation isn’t an intellectual exercise but an experiential one. Just as you are breathing now and living once we inhale Jesus by faith we live forever.
Billions believe that simply believing in Jesus will get them saved. Doesn’t Satan and his huge hoard of hateful demon spirits believe in Jesus and tremble? You are right they tremble for they know where they are going when God is through using them. I believe all illness, disease and sicknesses come from Satan. Read the Book of Job and you can see how this works. God only allows Satan so much room to work and then only to bring humans to a place where they will come to Christ. Many are suffering and never come which is our fault. We have tons of God’s love inside us but it has been dammed up.
The Lord has told us that from our bellies would flow LIVING WATER. It can happen when we release it but will not burst out like a volcano until then. Do you want to see folks saved? Love them, lift them up to the Lord boldly and pray for God to reveal Himself in Jesus. In 1st John we are told, “Those who have Jesus have eternal life and those who have not Jesus have not eternal life.“ Do you believe Him? If you do then release Jesus inside you to those headed to judgment and death. If you don’t may I suggest you come up with a very good excuse that God will accept, you will need it.
I would rather pray for a sick person than anyone for I know Jesus and He is more than willing to meet their need. I often have while reading in the Bible where He healed the sick, delivered the possessed, raised the dead and forgave those who repented. Remember the criminal dying next to him who repented? Jesus forgave Him instantly and told him that He was taking him to Paradise. Sadly, the other criminal refused to repent and was lost. We must work while there is still light. That light is Jesus inside you!
In His Service,
Capt. Ben Marler


God loves His children and if you want to know who they are, read John 1:12. “To as many as those who receive Him [Jesus] to them gave He the power to become the children of God even those who believe in His Name [Jesus]. Please check out the word “receive” for it is critical to being born again. Jesus exhaled upon His disciples when He met with them after His Resurrection. Why do you suppose He did that? Could it be so they could inhale His Breath? [Spirit] Of course, and it’s the same thing that happens when we place our trust in Him and His accomplishments on the cross as our own. To simply say I believe in Jesus just won’t cut it.
I should know, I feel like Paul who was a good Jew, me an Episcopalian, before we met Jesus. Paul was a different person afterwards and we all owe him for his devotion to Jesus. He suffered as no other and we have the epistles he wrote to guide us. His dedication caused him to continue to reach out to the churches even when in prison. I want to meet him one day and I suspect the line will be long when I do. The Holy Spirit had the perfect person to speak God’s instructions for Paul knew the law and he knew Jesus. He could see clearly how Jesus had come to fulfill the law.
When we accept Jesus, His Resurrection becomes ours as well. This is why I love Him so much. He took my thousands of sins upon Himself as He hung in agony. He paid for them with His Blood the only thing that God would use to erase them from my filthy heart. Until we can see Jesus in our place there is no way we can truly repent, no way at all.
You can become a “Christian” but you sure won’t be a born again one. You see, true repentance brings us to die to self where there is room in our hearts for Jesus to reign. He doesn’t come into to us to argue but to be our Lord [GOD]. When our lives are submitted to Him we can expect the “abundant life” promised in John 10:10. If you are a Christian and don’t have it why not go to the Father and tell Him.
Did you know He said that no one can come to Jesus unless the Father draws them? This is why it is so important for us to pray for the lost. The more lost they are the better for the angels will rejoice more over them than most folks. I suspect they are waiting for more like me to melt before the Lord. I know one thing for sure the day I did is easily the best day of my life. God set me free to be His servant and I love it.
Few seem to understand that Jesus was beaten horribly so we could be healed. Just as we see Him in our place on the cross dying for us we can look closely and see the stripes from the beating. These stripes have provided a huge ocean size reservoir of healing grace. I see it to be larger than the Pacific Ocean. If we would go to the Lord and accept the fact that we “the born again adopted children” are in need of healing from our bodies we could go for a swim. All of God’s gifts to us are the result of us exercising our faith. Did you know He even supplies that? At birth we have just enough to proclaim Jesus as our Lord. What we have afterwards comes from hearing and reading the Word of God.
Many pastors are reluctant to preach on healing for they believe they will be liable if healing is denied to the sick. They try and get around this by adding the faith destroying words, “Lord if it be Thy will” to their prayer. I would go along with it if they would add, “Lord if it isn’t then kill them for I don’t want them to suffer anymore.“ Why in the world do they think Jesus suffered the stripes so He could show favoritism?
God loves us all the same but responds to our faith. Don‘t be confused on this for He isn’t measuring our faith in quantity but by its quality. Jesus defined this as a “mustard seed” which is the smallest of all garden seeds. I’ve discovered when I use all of mine, looking at the stripes, God always answers my prayers. I’ve seen true miracles and He hasn’t run out of them.
I love to pray for the sick but when I do I preach a bit of the Gospel first. We need to be in agreement when we pray. “If two or three of you agree as touching anything I will do it“ are powerful words from Jesus. He wants us to be gathered together [meaning of one Spirit] so God gets all of the glory.
If you are suffering do what it says in James 5, call the elders of your church and have them anoint you with oil as you confess yours sins. God says their prayers will bring healing to you. If they won’t do it, I will. I know Jesus and I know He means what He says. Dr. T.L. Osborn says, “Faith is believing that God will do what God has said He will do.” I like that!
In His Service,
Capt. Ben Marler

Friday, December 11, 2009


This message will bring healing to many once they allow their past understanding of divine healing and grab hold of this TRUTH.
We must understand that Jesus came to save sinners and did so when He died on a cross with every sin ever committed or would be was heaped upon Him. Can you imagine the stench that rose to Heaven as He bore them? It’s no wonder God the Father deserted Jesus causing Him to cry out, “My God, My God why have you forsaken Me.” After this plea the Father must have held His nose and looked back upon His Only Begotten. Please grasp this with all your might for without it how can you and I love Jesus enough?
The truth is we can’t and this is why we see “Christians” having to be recommitted, some over and over. Personally, I don’t believe these folks are born again [yet]. We who enjoy intimacy with Jesus have it as a duty and a privilege to not judge those outside His family but always be reaching out to them. The LOVE of God inside us is all we need so let it loose and see Him redeem them for Himself.
If you think about it Jesus actually accomplished three things as He died. One He shed His Blood so the Father could wash us clean as we repent and accept Jesus as our Lord. He is also our Savior but that will be realized on Judgment Day. Please don’t go around calling Jesus your Savior if you aren’t walking in obedience. Didn’t Jesus say, “Why do you call me Lord, Lord and not do what I say?“ Yes He did and few seem to hear it.
As He hung in agony the pain from the beating ministered by the brute Roman Soldiers with a scourge that lacerated His body leaving stripes which were bloody welts. Bits and pieces of His flesh had been removed with each blow. This is a historical fact and the moment we look upon them trusting His agony and sacrifice for us healing will flow to us. Don’t struggle with this just do it. When I feel “ugly” I instantly go to the Lord and thank Him for being beaten nearly to death FOR ME! If you are born again please consider healing as part of your inheritance for it is.
Jesus defeated Satan at the Cross and everything that He accomplished is ours as we receive Him into our hearts as LORD. Please memorize John 1:12 for it is paramount to our relationship. “To as many as those who receive Him [Jesus] gave He the power to become the children of God, even those who believe in His Name.” I will never forget the day the Holy Spirit illuminated this verse to me. For at least 30 days it was the only thing I wanted to speak about. At Last, the Lord allowed me to understand that Salvation isn’t an intellectual exercise but an experiential one. Just as you are breathing now and living once we inhale Jesus by faith we live forever.
Billions believe that simply believing in Jesus will get them saved. Doesn’t Satan and his huge hoard of hateful demon spirits believe in Jesus and tremble? You are right they tremble for they know where they are going when God is through using them. I believe all illness, disease and sicknesses come from Satan. Read the Book of Job and you can see how this works. God only allows Satan so much room to work and then only to bring humans to a place where they will come to Christ. Many are suffering and never come which is our fault. We have tons of God’s love inside us but it has been dammed up.
The Lord has told us that from our bellies would flow LIVING WATER. It can happen when we release it but will not burst out like a volcano until then. Do you want to see folks saved? Love them, lift them up to the Lord boldly and pray for God to reveal Himself in Jesus. In 1st John we are told, “Those who have Jesus have eternal life and those who have not Jesus have not eternal life.“ Do you believe Him? If you do then release Jesus inside you to those headed to judgment and death. If you don’t may I suggest you come up with a very good excuse that God will accept, you will need it.
I would rather pray for a sick person than anyone for I know Jesus and He is more than willing to meet their need. I often have while reading in the Bible where He healed the sick, delivered the possessed, raised the dead and forgave those who repented. Remember the criminal dying next to him who repented? Jesus forgave Him instantly and told him that He was taking him to Paradise. Sadly, the other criminal refused to repent and was lost. We must work while there is still light. That light is Jesus inside you!
In His Service,
Capt. Ben Marler


God gave us sex and intimacy for procreation and that was to be within the bounds of commitment He calls marriage. It’s a holy thing and we must understand this to keep from sinning. He said, “The wages of sin is death.” Please understand we were created to live forever and sinning will deny us that privilege. Sex is very strong for He made it that way. We can see it clearly in the animal kingdom. Huge elk will battle with each other to death establishing dominance over a herd of females to continue their species. Other animals are like minded and on TV most of us have observed it.
When a man and a woman join their bodies together it is a beautiful thing in the sight of God “after” He has joined them together in heart, mind and soul. He makes the child after they supply the “ingredients”. Each of us have been “fearfully and wonderfully” made by Him. I’m speaking from the Holy Scriptures which are in the Bible. If you fail to read and heed them you will soon fall into a lifestyle which is abhorrent to God.
God loves you exceedingly and wants to add you to His eternal family. If you have been caught up in sensuality or adultery there is still hope for you. God has a way to cleanse us from our past sins, even horrible ones. Do you recall David and Bathsheba? During a time of war when her husband was off fighting, David happened to spot her from his balcony where she was bathing on her roof. Lust filled his heart and he had her brought to him. In a short while he committed adultery and even had her husband killed so he could have her. God saw it and must have grieved as David, his anointed fell.
The child she later carried was doomed to die. Before it did, David wept and prayed that the Lord would show him mercy. God couldn’t do this for it would have been an approval for David’s sinful behavior. David’s repentance for this sin was great [Psalm 51] and God forgave him just as he will for any of us caught up in one of Satan’s snares and repent.
We have an advantage over those who lived in Old Testament times in that we have the cross to find our forgiveness. If you seek forgiveness apart from the cross I believe you will be disappointed. Each sin was placed upon Jesus as He hung upon it. There is where we will find forgiveness as we express remorse and a commitment to never commit this sin again.
God loves us so much and when we realize it we are drawn to Him. Have you carefully examined the face of a newborn? Have you noticed how tenderly you look at it? Each small feature is attractive and precious. God looks at us that way even when we are old. Did you know He always calls us children, never adults? He even allows us to call Him Abba or Daddy.
Sex is the only way children can come into the world. Some are trying to clone or reproduce people in a test tube but they can never produce a soul. He has already designed us perfectly where the right parts mate with the right parts. Thinking in these terms can you see why He despises homosexuality. If you think I’m over stating the fact please read Romans chapter one. Can the Lord restore these folks who have chosen to go their own way? Of course He can but, will He? I know some who are caught up in it and can only pray for them. He has given them over to a reprobate mind. rep·ro·bate (r p r -b t ). n. 1. A morally unprincipled person. 2. One who is predestined to damnation. adj. 1. Morally unprincipled; shameless. ...
How about you? Have you committed sexual sins? If you have, what are you doing about it? If you put off making peace with God, Satan will just pull you further down to where it can be far more difficult to repent. As an example, look into the prison system and see how many within the populations makes it to freedom and a God ruled life. The stigma from imprisonment never seems to goes away. The few who did escape found Jesus as their rescuer. Has he rescued you?
God has prepared a city for us who are born again and live “in Jesus”. We are called the redeemed. Our names are already in the little “Book of Life”. Anyone who’s name isn’t in it will be cast into hell fire. You can read this in Revelations 21. Today is the day of salvation for millions, will you go and confess your sins, including the sexual ones? He knows them, He knows everything so don’t put it off. Jesus died for you personally and you can come to know Him personally. If you are involved sexually with someone sever the relationship and go seek forgiveness. Don’t think He’s going to give you a pass. Those who think so are part of the walking dead.
In His Service,
Capt. Ben Marler

Thursday, December 3, 2009


I love Sarah Palin for the same reasons that those on the left hate her. She’s my sister in Jesus and they can’t stand to see a true born again Christian prosper in anything. Jesus promised us persecution and folks, she’s getting it by the boat load. What they don’t know is they are adding to her reward with God. How important it is for us to serve the Lord openly too so we too can hear Him say, “Well done My good and faithful servant, enter now into the Joy of your Master.“ Do you think He will say that to you? If not, this message can be of great value to you.
There aren’t many Christians who can give a testimony that is exciting and attractive. I’m not saying they all have to be that way for some folks are going to come to the Lord like a tree growing in the yard. The problem is most of them never do anything but show up for services and do as little as possible in sharing Christ with the world. But those who have experienced the fantastic joy of being set free from a life of sin in a single day are so excited they want to tell everyone. I know this is the case for me. I was as miserable as one could be until May 23rd in 1971 when I receive a full pardon from God and adoption into His family. While sitting on a chair in my pastor’s office God redeemed me and made me one of His kids.
Sometimes I think the Lord allowed me hit the bottom so He could uplift me. My wife had met Jesus in our living room about 6 weeks before and came running to the bed where I was asleep so excited I thought there was an intruder in the house. I was reaching for my gun when she told me what had just happened to her. While on her knees telling God that she loved Him, Jesus came into the room. She said the whole room lit up. I know one thing for sure, she did. For a very long time she walked around reading the Bible or a book on the Holy Spirit in her hands. I’m so blessed to have her as my wife of almost 52 years now for the Jesus inside her has brought me to know Him too.
Be honest now, do you know Jesus or do you know about Him? Don’t feel bad if you can only say you know about Him for that was my condition. I had to surrender my life, all of it, to know Him. My life since that wonderful day has been filled with excitement and sometimes persecution too. Jesus said, “If you aren’t for Me you are against Me. If you aren’t gathering you are scattering.“ Doing what He wants will always bring fire from the enemy and our sister in Christ, Sarah Palin, is under a barrage of hateful artillery. I hope you will adopt her and her family in your prayers today. She was born, like you and me, to love and serve the Lord. She’s an excellent example of how God works to accomplish His will here on earth. I’ve read her book Going Rogue and now my wife is reading it. Hopefully everyone will for in it you will see someone who loves America and our Constitution. She loves people and they love here too. I trust you’ve seen the crowds who show up when she does.
There’s a day coming when we all will stand before the Lord for reward if we are born again. No amount of religion can save us. We must be “in Jesus” for it’s His righteousness, gained by obedience, that makes us acceptable to the Father. We who’ve been buried with Him in Baptism and raised with Him in His Resurrection are already living in our eternal life. No one can kill us for we are now immortal as He is immortal. Realizing this allows us to serve Jesus in spite of persecution.
I suggest we watch Sarah as we pray for her. God is going to protect her and keep her for Himself just as He will for you and me. Isn’t He wonderful? You bet He is and one day we will see Jesus face to face.
Right now we are to commit our lives daily to His service. I’ve used Ephesians 2:10 for over 30 years doing it. Please do the same and allow God to use you in adding to His family. This isn’t hard to do at all. Please take the time to write out your salvation story. It doesn’t have to be long or fancy, just truthful. I wish folks had a long and short version ready for when given the privilege to share our love of Jesus we can do one or the other. I use my “one minute” testimony all the time.
Folks want to know why you are different so tell them. We have the peace of the Lord, “There is therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus“, and we are in Him. God doesn’t even remember our sins. He has erased them and forgotten them too. What can be better that this? Begin today sharing Jesus and make a difference for Christ. This is our purpose now. Will you do it? If not, why not? I can help you if you need it.
In His Service,
Capt. Ben Marler


Very few Christians think the rapture of the Church is imminent. I hope you aren’t one of them. Perhaps you aren’t familiar with this coming event so here are the scriptures we must accept as they are in God’s Holy Word.
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 (Amplified Bible)
13Now also we would not have you ignorant, brethren, about those who fall asleep [[a]in death], that you may not grieve [for them] as the rest do who have no hope [beyond the grave].
14For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will also bring with Him through Jesus those who have fallen asleep [[b]in death].
15For this we declare to you by the Lord's [own] word, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord shall in no way precede [into His presence] or have any advantage at all over those who have previously fallen asleep [in Him [c]in death].
16For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a loud cry of summons, with the shout of an archangel, and with the blast of the trumpet of God. And those who have departed this life in Christ will rise first.
17Then we, the living ones who remain [on the earth], shall simultaneously be caught up along with [the resurrected dead] in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and so always (through the eternity of the eternities) we shall be with the Lord!
18Therefore comfort and encourage one another with these words.
They comfort me for I know that a day is coming when I’m going to disappear and meet Jesus in the sky. I won’t be alone for all “born again” Christians will go with me. What saddens me, the churches are filled with Christians in name only thinking they are safe. Before you want to argue with me please understand that Jesus said we must be born again. This means we have to give up our life and receive His.
Most seem to want religion instead so they can go on living at their own pace and not get in lock step with the Holy Spirit. This isn’t hard but it does require a certain amount of discipline. Once Jesus is living inside us we must come under His Lordship. He isn’t our Savior until we do. He said, “It isn’t you who say Lord, Lord that shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven but you who do the will of My Father which is in Heaven.“ In Romans we are told, “The sons of God are those who follow the Spirit of God.” He has also told us that we are to pick up our crosses daily and follow after Him. He’s saying we must lay down our life [will] to do the works that God has prepared for us to walk in [do]. Ephesians 2:10
If you aren’t doing them I would bet you’ve never repented of your sins. Repentance is absolutely necessary. Even the criminal on the cross next to Jesus repented before Jesus gave him eternal life. As he hung dying next to his partner in crime he told him to shut up, “we deserve what is happening to us but this Man is innocent.” Then he looked at Jesus and pleaded with Him, “Lord, remember me when you come into your Kingdom.“ Jesus said, “Today you shall be with me in Paradise.” Sadly, his partner never repented and prevented Jesus saving him too.
Repentance isn’t something we can do apart from the cross. You can tell God you are sorry for your sins until the cows come home and not be forgiven. But when you gaze at Jesus bleeding and dying on the cross for you personally something wonderful happens in our hearts. We find ourselves loving Him as never before. It’s so strong we want to stop sinning and begin to live for Him. This is real repentance, a change of heart for God. I wept a ton of tears when I repented and I suspect God used every one of them to wash out my filthy heart.
Ask yourself this question; Did my life change when I became a Christian? If it hasn’t what are you going to do about it? Hopefully this message has supplied you the answer. Go to the cross and stay there until you have “experienced” God’s forgiveness.
God loves you with agape or unconditional love. He will accept you like you are even though He may hate what you are doing now. I saw God work while serving Him in a two year jail ministry. There weren’t any “good folks” locked behind bars. Someone was praying for them and God in His faithfulness allowed them to hear the Gospel. When they accepted the invitation to receive Jesus as their Lord God He became their Father just as He does for anyone who will do the same. If He loved us in any other way no one could be saved.
So, regardless of your past surrender to Jesus now before the rapture. After we go up, a terrible time of Tribulation is coming upon the earth. I suspect it will begin with a limited nuclear war between Israel and Iran. If I’m right, chaos will disrupt lives as never before. You don’t want to be here, trust me.
In His Service,
Capt. Ben Marler