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Tuesday, March 30, 2010


You may be filled with “ammo” and it isn’t doing you a bit of good. Did you know that during the civil war some soldiers loaded their rifles over and over and never fired them? This was like building a bomb for the charges and bullets were loaded at the muzzle. They were so frightened they never placed a percussion cap on the nipple so they could shoot at the enemy. Doesn’t this sound familiar with Christians? They live in Church from childhood and have tons of stars after their names from good attendance. They even became champions in “Sword drills” where they learned the location and names of the Books in the Bible and yet never once confronted someone in an attempt to lead them to Christ.

The difference in the two illustrations is the Christian would have still been standing. The first man would have soon been in a box with a preacher saying nice things about him. Have you ever noticed folks don’t tell the truth at funerals? It’s as if every person was an absolute saint when the opposite was the truth. By the way, do you know what makes one a saint? It occurs the instant you come to the place where you confess your sins to God, admitting them with remorse, and appealing for forgiveness. Then He adopts you, making you one of His kids, a saint. Are you surprised?

In some denominations they feel they can make you one after you have been examined by a group of “experts” who decided that something you did was “worthy” of sainthood. Folks, don’t buy into this for it can become a barrier to you. Salvation is simple and is of God. No one can make us saints regardless if we even raise the dead “In Jesus Name”. If you recall, some folks will say to Jesus on Judgment Day, “But Lord, we cast out demons in your Name etc”. Then He will say, “I never knew you.” This is undoubtedly the worse words in all of scripture. This message should help you to avoid Jesus saying them to you.

Remember, the Word of God [Bible] was “God breathed” upon authors chosen by God. You can look up the facts about it and you’ll be amazed how God did this. My advice is never argue with it. I recall years ago when I was reading 10 chapters a day very early in the mornings, before going to the pier, I read the account of Jesus feeding the 4000 with seven loaves of bread and a few fish. All at once in my mind I said, who counted them? Then loudly the Holy Spirit said, “I did”. I sure didn’t do it again.

I’ve learned that He never expects me to understand it all but He does require me to believe it. Now lets discuss this for a minute. We were given an intellect and it’s located in our brain. Our brain is an incredibly complex organ that man will still be exploring it’s secrets decades from now. With it and our fantastic gift of sight or hearing we “learn” the scriptures and store them. This is actually like a hopper from where the scriptures drop into our heart where decisions are really made. The fact that they’re there doesn’t mean they are effective. It’s when they are “fired” or used can they explode.

One of my favorite stories is when Peter and John were on their way to the Temple they encountered a cripple who was begging for money. “Peter said look at us. We don’t have any silver or gold but what we have we give you, in the Name of Jesus stand up and walk.” This man was expectant but didn’t have a clue that the Name of Jesus would give him total health. He then went with them leaping and jumping into the Temple praising God. [Acts 2] When Peter and John were with Jesus they learned the power in His Name and used it. The results got them and the cripple in trouble with the religious leaders. The same thing will happen today so get prepared for it.

When God is at work the scriptures are alive and active and will do mighty things including the works of Jesus. He said we would and I believe Him and have acted accordingly. Because of this, I’ve seen great and mighty things. Through the decades of writing I’ve revealed many of them. If we meet somewhere ask me and I will share them with you. Or better yet, if you’re sick and want me to pray for you, I will in Jesus Name. God loves to honor our faith, which by the way, He gave us for that purpose. If He has given you faith use it or lose it. There are many in the church who are sitting in pews with only fumes in their tanks, their fuel has evaporated.

The Power of God is concealed in His Words. Each one is loaded as if with dynamite. Surrender your life each morning [Eph. 2:10] and begin to serve God in His Power. I love it!

In His Service,

Capt. Ben Marler

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