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Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Dear Jim, As you might imagine the captains, crew members and their families are in shock here now. I've been asked to lead a prayer time tomorrow at 9 AM. I will enlist others to help me but I'm going to preach a Bloody Gospel first. The majority are not born again and live lives that don't flatter them. Please being praying with us, 10 your time. Here is a message composed as this whole opportunity arose in my heart. May God honor the preaching of His Word with signs and wonders following. love you capt ben

There isn’t a Gospel with out the shedding of Blood. If you aren’t familiar with the Old Testament you probably don’t know that God allowed Moses and Aaron to use the blood of animals and birds in specific ways where the blood from them would atone or cover the sins of the people when they repented. This actually began when Moses was leading the people from slavery by the Egyptians in the Exodus. The blood of a small “unblemished” sheep or goat was sprinkled on the door lintel and post causing the angel of death to “pass over” those inside.

Why God chose this way is further understood when we see John the Baptist telling those who were coming to confess their sins and be baptized that there was One coming after him who he was unworthy to untie His sandals. This One would baptize them in the Holy Spirit and with FIRE. We know He’s Jesus the Christ who came to save us sinners. John also revealed Him as the “unblemished lamb” to be slain for the sins of the whole world.

Jesus had a miracle ministry of about three years. During this time He raised up disciples who could take His message of redemption to the ends of the earth. His message is one of unconditional love meaning He loves us no matter what we have done or not done. He proved His love when He allowed Himself to be thrown down and nailed to a cross to die.

His death was absolutely horrible and bloody. Isaiah and David told us it would be in Isaiah 53 and in Psalm 22. They were looking forward as prophets and Jesus was sacrificed for us as they said. I hope you will watch the movie The Passion of the Christ for it has scenes within it that can break your heart.

The horrible beating Jesus received was to gain the stripes that we can look upon to be healed. By His stripes are we healed is in Isaiah 53 and also in 1st Peter 2. If you’re a child of God, look upon them when you’re ill. Then go to the elders of your church congregation and have them anoint you with oil as you confess your sins. Their prayers will be honored by God setting you free from the illness. This is a sincere promise of God. He only requires us to believe it. He doesn’t promise instant healings but we will recover. Many don’t and therefore spend fortunes within the medical community.

Allow me to say, I love doctors and nurses. They are God’s ministers to our bodies. God is very good to give us this “secondary” level of grace. I strongly recommend you pray over all your medications asking God to bless them so they can’t hurt you. Some of it is the right thing but some might not be for doctors, even while doing their best, don’t always get it right.

Are you willing to come to God in repentance? If you aren’t, understand there is no way you can be saved. He has a record of every sin you’ve committed written down for Judgment Day. Nothing was hidden from Him and the angels who recorded it. You can face them or you can have them erased by accepting Jesus as your Lord.

He wants you to give up your life voluntarily, and then He’ll give you His. Born again explains this perfectly. Your old life for His and the baptism in water is the best illustration. The water is your grave and when you’re immersed in it’s become the grave for your old life [you only put dead people in graves] and when your uplifted and breathe it’s symbolic of your new life in Christ. His death and resurrection has become yours.

This isn’t religion folks for it isn’t controlling, but liberating. For nearly 39 years now God has set me free to serve Him. Without Jesus dying on the cross for me I would be headed to hell where I belong.

Will you allow Him to take charge of your life? If you will, tell Him. Tell Him how you feel that He hung in shame and pain with your sins upon His body. Tell Him how you feel about the beating, the curses, the abuse and the crown of thorns beaten into His scalp for you. Tell Him you love Him and then receive Jesus as your Lord.

If you refuse, you’ve committed the greatest of all sins, you’ve told God you don’t care that Jesus died for you. Please don’t do that. You are precious to God and He proved it while hanging on the cross for you.

In His Service,

Capt. Ben Marler

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