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Thursday, July 29, 2010


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My Joan just returned with a bag full of new drugs after visiting her primary physician today. I told her she needs to pray over all that stuff. I tell that to everyone for there isn’t any place in the Bible where God tells us to medicate ourselves. If you know where He said it please tell me. In the Old Testament He gave “His People” the Jews some dietary laws which made good sense then and still do today. For instance, He says to only eat fish that have scales and fins. Do you know why? The others are scavengers [eaters of dead stuff] you know like sharks and catfish.

The fish He chose for them to eat are predators who chase down their prey. Now there are rules for not eating lions for they are predators but also eat carrion. If I recall He identified them as having paws. The bottom line is we are what we eat, health wise. If you eat healthy with lots of good vegetables and fresh fruits you’ll be stronger and more healthy too. His rules are in the book of Deuteronomy if you want to look them up. Most of us go for “taste” instead of what’s good for us. Like we want our water “fixed” with sugar, lemon, or various other ingredients when clear pure water would really be best for us.

Have you read the paper work they include with your pills? My goodness, the things that can happen to you are worse than what’s causing you to take the darn things. Now there are exceptions to every rule [except the Big Ten] and I would readily admit aspirin and sulfur drugs, like quinine, have proven to be life savers and I’m not writing about our careful use of them. What I’m saying is some of the drugs are very harmful like those used with patients having heart problems.

Many years ago when I was diagnosed with mild hypertension [running a deep sea fishing business can do that to you] I agreed to take a 50 mg tablet of antennol. I was told it was a “beta blocker” and I could never stop taking it. Had I been told earlier, I would have refused. At this time I take a half aspirin, an antennol and some Tylenol generics when I’m hurting. At 72 I find that some parts of me complain more often than they used to. Going to the gym has surely raised my quality of life for I’m much stronger physically.

My aunt Vera Walter used to say as she neared her 90s, “God lets us look like monkeys when we get old so we won’t mind dying.” She was a card!

May I offer you some suggestions so perhaps you can get off the chemicals your doctor has prescribed for you? First see if you’re drinking enough water. Many moons ago it was discovered that 8 glasses a day would keep the body functioning normally. Do you get enough rest? It may take some discipline to get off the computer or TV at night but an early to bed early to rise habit will be good for most folks. Do you eat healthy? Joan and I don’t as much as we should but with some effort this can change. I love to cook and have been looking up some ways to fix “greens” on the computer.

Probably most important if you are hooked on your prescriptions begin to pray they will do what the doctor intended when he prescribed them and in no way can they hurt you. Did you know some pills like antennol prevent me from taking pain medicines like Advil because they’ll conflict with each other. Lord only knows what is conflicting with the Tylenol generic. I try to also remember to pray over water for who but Him knows what’s in it? We know the City Water Department adds chemicals to kill bacteria and other bad things in the water. I suggest you add a Brita or Pur water purifier on your sink faucet too. Not only will the water taste better than expensive bottled water but they will remove other bad things that reaches your house.

One last thing, never claim an illness. The devil loves to hear Christians say how ill they are or what disease they are suffering with. Don’t we know from the scriptures that Jesus paid for all of them? “By His stripes are we healed, and also were we healed” are two extremely important verses. You can find them in Isaiah 53 and in First Peter 2. I’ve found that God wants me to agree with Him to obtain their benefits. In Psalm 103: 1-4 He tells everyone to not forget them.

Jesus loves us and has paid for our salvation, health and deliverance too. His painful wounds from the scourge obtained our healings. Shouldn’t we believe His Word and live in His victory? You bet we should, lets do it!

In His Service,

Capt. Ben Marler

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