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Monday, September 6, 2010


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Do you recall Jesus said, “You must eat My flesh and drink My Blood” when speaking to the multitudes? Some standing near by were turned away for they didn’t understand He was speaking of His Spirit. His disciples were offered the opportunity to go too. Peter said, “Lord, where would we go for you alone have the Words of Life.“ Peter and the others had seen enough of the power of God flowing from Jesus to know that He was the Lord. Do you know that too? I’m convinced that the majority in the church don’t realize Jesus is THE LORD.

He told His disciples, “If you love Me, keep My commandments.” He only gave them two but later added another one that we must keep as well. “Love everyone as I’ve loved you so those who know you will know you are My disciples.“ This begs another question, are you and I doing that? Probably not and there’s a very good reason or two. First if we aren’t born again there isn’t anyway He sees us as a disciple. He may see us in love with our denomination or religion but not Him. Secondly, unlike Him we judge folks left and right. I struggle with this for I care a lot for America and I see a political party that has chosen a President that is dismantling it. I know there were lots of so called “independents” who joined with them. So I have to watch myself when I see Him on TV. I generally change channels before I get in trouble.

This message isn’t about him but you and me and our need to stay satisfied. This is an impossibility for when we give Jesus away we need more of Him. Did you know He and His Word the Bible is one and the same? Most don’t for if they did they would find a way to spend more time with Him in it. If there’s an explanation for me it comes from my discovery of a discipline where a plan for reading the scriptures ten chapters a day was offered. I liked it for it allowed me to read from the Old and New Testament at the same time. There were columns where some portions were read more often than others. For instance, Hebrews 11 and First Corinthians 13 were read every other day. Faith and Love, Faith and Love, Faith and Love over and over. These two chapters are the foundations stones for serving Jesus.

I can provide the discipline to anyone wanting a copy but I doubt many will commit to read 10 chapters from the Bible daily. So, if you are hungry for more of Jesus why not start with the Faith and Love chapters for a week or two and see how your life changes.

I’d bet this laptop you’ll be a different person before long. I’m assuming you want to be changed. Most folks declaring themselves to be a Christian are satisfied with where they are now, if you’re one of them I can’t help you.

If Jesus came to Destin today, and you knew where He was staying, would you go there? As close as possible right? I suspect the house would be so crowded some would want to break through the roof to get in like in the day He walked in Israel. Do you remember what happened? Four men had an invalid on a stretcher and went up on the roof made of tiles. After removing enough they lowered the cripple before Jesus. He seeing “their” faith told the man on the stretcher that his sins were forgiven. The religious leaders inside the house were judging Jesus with blasphemy. He asked them what is more easy for Him to say, “Your sins are forgiven you or to take up your pallet and walk?“

If you recall the cripple got up and walked to the amazement of everyone there. Then Jesus added, “Go and sin no more less anything worse fall on you.” This is our Lord Jesus speaking today as well as when this happened. Do you believe it? If you don’t the Faith and Love discipline will help you in no time. When I read of these acts of compassion and mercy often tears flow. Jesus is here with us by His Holy Spirit. He is next to the Father in Heaven interceding for us when the devil comes calling. Aren’t you glad He is? Once you begin to grasp that He allowed your sins to be added to Him as He died on the cross you will fall in love with Him, guaranteed.

It’s our time now to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick and imprisoned and take care of strangers for He tells us for the least of these “His brothers” are Him. Please read Matthew 25 now. You’ll be forever glad you did. Soon you’ll seek more of Jesus to share with the world. Your worship will become far more exciting too. Let’s go and tell the world OK?

In His Service,

Capt. Ben Marler

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