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Monday, January 31, 2011


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God hates cancer like we do. He is a Loving God and proved it by allowing Jesus to be flailed by the Romans using a scourge. Few seem to preach on the scriptures in Isaiah 53 and First Peter 2, “By His stripes are we healed.“ Isn’t it time we start hearing of the Lord’s passion more than just on or around Easter? You bet, and when we do, there’ll be more testimonies of God’s healing of His children. Why do folks think God owes them anything including to heal them when they’ve rejected the gift of eternal life? I blame it on religion. Have you ever been to a funeral and where someone asked the folks to pray “The Lord’s Prayer”? I have, for few are saved. It’s responsible for keeping folks lost in their sins. If you doubt me read on.

There isn’t anyway God is going to adopt us and add us to His family until we repent of our sins and accept His forgiveness after confessing them. We aren’t saved by simply saying, “Save me Lord.” If we say it the Holy Spirit will begin the process. For instance, one criminal on his cross dying next to Jesus repented first. Jesus was listening to see if the other man would also repent [admit his guilt] but his heart was so hard he couldn’t.

I met folks in a jail ministry that would make granite look like a marshmallow. Some had killed and raped without remorse. Each time they committed a crime it was as if another layer of hardness was added. Did you know that most folks in jail are repeat offenders? Some have “rap sheets” a mile long. I will never say they couldn’t be saved for some have and I’ve met some people who would make a pirate look like a preacher.

All prisons are cancerous. Death is everywhere and in some cases inmates especially the older prisoners will go to “unmarked” graves with no one weeping for them. Did you know Jesus said, “When I was hungry, did you feed Me? When I was thirsty, did you give Me drink? When I was naked did you clothe Me? When I was sick or imprisoned, did you visit Me? When I was a stranger, did you invite Me in?” He asked these questions in Matthew 25 the most important chapter in the Bible in my opinion.

It’s vital we read, mark, learn and inwardly digest the Word of God for when we do Jesus can use us to curse cancers as if standing in our shoes. We must remember, Jesus came to bring life and He gave it to those who came to Him. Not everyone did for we see in the Scriptures the Sanhedrin condemned Jesus and asked Pontius Pilot to kill Him.

We must see that cancer is the work of the devil. He had infected the religious leaders with hate [all hate is a cancer] for the Savior of the World.

We need to confront hate when we see it or in some cases inside us. If you’ve ever met someone filled with hate you can see the devil. If hate is left unchecked it can lead to murder. Do you remember Cain killing Able?

There is only one cure for hate and that’s a surrendered life to Christ. Jesus loves unconditionally and once He’s inside us we can’t hate folks anymore. I had great reason to hate the murderers who blew my brother to bits with a bomb. Their hatefulness left his wife and four children without a dad who loved them and provided for them. For a very long time I harbored anger but when I surrendered my life to Christ it wasn’t long before I was asking the Lord to bring them to repentance.

What happened is the Bible became my food. I learned reading that God had said, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay.” I could see that any action I might take against them [I had an opportunity one day] would ruin my life.

They deserved hell, but I do too. My sins, even though no where as horrible as theirs, was more than enough for God to condemn and sentence me to a hell. Did you know even one sin is enough? “The wages of sin is death.”

Only one thing can remove our sins, the Blood of Jesus.“ God will not apply it to anyone until they come repentant to Him. If we should try any other way we will remain lost. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. He alone is the Door. Please come to Him today and avoid the cancers that can destroy you.

If you should be infected with cancer curse it in the Name of Jesus and rest while He removes it. Don’t wait until a doctor is operating on you. Please bless the Lord for doctors trained to treat cancers for some folks won’t come to the Lord repentant. Let’s tell them about Jesus today, OK?

In His Service,

Capt. Ben Marler

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