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Thursday, October 15, 2009


Would you take a substance that could end your life? Would you expose yourself to videos and pictures that can end your marriage? Would you allow others to draw you into crime? If the answer to these questions are yes this message isn’t for you. It is being written for those who have found themselves entrapped and need hope and freedom. All porn isn’t “hard core” but it’s all deadly. Those spending huge amounts of their life in prison could tell you that at some time in their life they viewed it. Some even tried to act out what they saw leading them to terrible crimes.

Before you dismiss these statements investigate the dangers of porn on the internet. This stuff is hideous for it is satanic and used by the devil to create division in the home and work place. Many years ago I exposed myself using an argument that it would help me minister to those caught up in it. What a stupid, dumb and idiotic thing to do. It has taken years with much prayer to have the images erased from my memory bank. Even now when it attempts to pop up I come against it in the Name of Jesus. I highly suggest that all who read this do the same if you have been exposed.

Years ago when I turned on my computer there were numerous attempts to lure me to sites where I could be entrapped. I know some folks now who are involved and their marriages are in trouble and could end. A military officer whom I hunted with lost everything including his wife due to it. She called me from Alaska asking me to pray for her and Dave. What she told me I won’t reveal here but this precious beauty from New Zealand was devastated and their marriage in ruins.

Satan is very clever and he has gently led many with R and X rated movies which are now common fare on TV. There are billions being made from the sale of movies and other related merchandise which tells us this is a vast problem. The saddest thing is those who haven’t surrendered their lives to Jesus will die in this snare. There is only one way to be set free and that is to die. I’m not speaking of literal death but a death of our will by repentance. True repentance is just that and not a series of “I’m sorry” statements. God isn’t a fool and he knows our future as well as our past. He made us and not our parents. He used their egg and sperm but that was to combine their chromosomes so we would be more like them in appearance. We are His property whether we surrender or not. We are not our own!

Hell is going to be packed according to Jesus for few are willing to give themselves to His Lordship. There are many who claim Him as their Savior but have no intention of committing their lives daily to Him. He tells us we are to pick up our crosses daily and follow Him. If you aren’t doing it consider this a reminder that all born again Christians have work to do. Ephesians 2:10 has made this clear, “We are His workmanship. We have been created in Christ Jesus to do the works that God Himself has prepared for us to walk in.”

After reading this message you have no valid excuse to offer Him on Judgment Day. If you are struggling with this remember that the angels will go out and separate the sheep from the goats on a day appointed by God. The difference between these two similar animals is great. One follows along after the shepherd and the other must be driven by the goat herder. Which are you? If a goat, this is your day to surrender your life to Jesus for no one knows for sure if you will be here tomorrow. Go to the cross and spend time until you love Jesus more than you do yourself. He suffered and shed Blood so we could be washed clean, even clean of the sins associated with porn.

Don’t allow the devil to tell you that God won’t have you for it’s a damnable lie. You are very precious to God and He has a magnificent plan for your life that will bring Glory to Himself. Until you are liberated from porn or other deadly sins you can never accomplish His works for Him.

Make the choice today to “Fear God and live.“ This isn’t fun and games to God and one day billions will be cast into a fire along with the devil who led them in rebellion against God. There is no way anyone would choose this fate in their right mind. If you have read this far you still have your right mind. In Romans God tells us that homosexuals have been given over to a reprobate mind. I suspect many were led by porn into this lifestyle leading to their sure rejection by God on Judgment Day. Pray with me for them. Jesus is in the redeeming business!

In His Service,
Capt. Ben Marler

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