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Monday, November 23, 2009


From time to time when reading [feeding upon] the scriptures tears come freely. This morning it was as if I was there watching this scene unfold as a destitute blind beggar cried out to Jesus. Those nearby had absolutely no compassion for him and told him to “shut up”. But Bartimaeus had heard about Jesus and ‘knew’ Jesus could give him his sight.
He also knew this may be his one chance to see and began to scream again louder and louder, “Jesus Son of David, have pity and mercy on me [now].” Jesus stopped and said, “Call him”. Now his detractors said, “Take courage! Get up! He is calling you.” Bartimaeus threw off his outer garment and came to Jesus. And Jesus asked him, “What do you want Me to do for you?” He said, “Master, let me receive my sight.” And Jesus said, “Go your way; your faith has healed you. And at once he received his sight and accompanied Jesus on the road. Mark 10: 46-52 Amplified Bible
Even now I can see Bartimaeus clinging to Jesus with tears flowing as he thanked Him over and over. His joy must have spilled over the crowd.
They had just witnessed the power of God in giving sight to a man slowly dying in darkness. How I wish I had been there but since this is impossible I want to see Jesus respond the same way today. Did you know the Bible tells us that Jesus is the same, yesterday, today and forever? He is Almighty God along with the Father and the Holy Spirit. He hasn’t changed one tiny bit. We can find out by developing the same faith of Bartimaeus.
Did you know that the Bible is not allowed in our schools anymore thanks to Satan and the ACLU? Why do you think this is so important to the devil? If you don’t know let me tell you, God is honored every time someone is healed. Satan hates God and us and works 24/7 against us.
You should memorize Hebrews 11:6 for it is a hallmark verse. “For without faith man can not please God for we must believe that He Is and that He Is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.” Let it sink in to you slowly for without faith you can consider yourself worse off than Bartimaeus. He received mercy due to the compassion of our loving God. How do you think you can appeal with the same sense of urgency if you don’t really believe? Now if you try and tell me you “really believe” in Jesus I’m going to ask you for your testimony. Your story of how you came to the place where you gave up your life [not just say you believe in Jesus] so God could impart the Holy Spirit inside you. Saint Paul says it best, “The mystery hidden from the ages, Christ inside you the hope of glory.”
Folks if Jesus isn’t inside you, you’re still lost. When He comes inside God calls it being born again. Jesus said we must be born again. There isn’t any wiggle room allowed. Religion, an imitation, is an insidious killer and has taken countless souls to darkness. If you consider yourself religious please spend time with Jesus at His cross and gain a relationship with Him.
God said that He made the Gospel simple to confound the wise. Religion is just as confining and destructive now as it was when Jesus confronted the Pharisees and Sadducees. These folks took the law as given by Moses and added thousands of rules to the basic 10 commandments. To make it even worse they didn’t follow them but imposed them on the people, ugh!
Once Jesus is inside us we don’t have to work at being a Christian for the Holy Spirit [of Jesus] is inside us. It’s as if you take a car, remove the motor and ignition and replace it with a modern racing engine and sophisticated computerized ignition. The car may look the same but don’t try to pass it on the interstate. I rode in a modified Ford car in 1956. It came with a basic six cylinder engine but my friend had a highway patrol engine installed with extras like two four barrel carburetors and a ¾ custom camshaft. It went so fast I couldn’t lean forward in my seat. The speedometer registered up to 120 MPH. I saw the needle way past that and we were probably going close to 140-150 MPH. Thank God the tires held together.
My friend later wrecked this car doing 80 during a rainstorm. It spun out and landed in the canal on Alligator Alley. Thank God a road sign took out the windshield creating a way out as the car settled into the dark water. God was there or Bobby would have died! He’s also with you right now. When you have a need can you cry out like Bartimaeus? You can, if you’ve developed a discipline to prayerfully read the scriptures. Jesus is the Word of God and will meet with you each morning if you’re wiling. Are you willing? If you aren’t, why aren’t you? Bartimaeus’ faith can be yours!
In His Service,
Capt. Ben Marler

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