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Monday, November 23, 2009


Our wonderful Heavenly Father is clothed in faithfulness and crowned with righteousness. Once we can see this our relationship with Him can begin to blossom. Many Christians have a hard time relating to God. Some out right fear Him thinking He hates them or can’t wait to unleash His wrath upon them and they are right. Don’t get upset with me until I explain this to you. God hates violence and because He does the world was flooded and all air breathing creatures died except for those in the ark with Noah and his family. Can you imagine the scene of those trying to get in after “God” closed the door? It was too late for repentance and they all drowned.

We are approaching a time now when Judgment Day can’t be far off. I say this watching Israel and Iran. Iran is preparing to unleash a hell of fire upon Israel and it will bring about a conflagration. All of the countries around Israel will be caught up in it and this is tragic. Our purpose as Christians is to try and reach them with God’s love before hand so then have a chance to be saved. We have a terrible enemy, the Islamic religion. This religion founded by the Prophet Mohammed commands his followers to destroy the Jews and infidels, that’s you and me.

What they need to understand “by God’s grace” that Jesus is God and He died for them like He did for us. His coming to earth and doing the Father’s will even to death on a cross is the ultimate righteousness. Few seem to understand the violence brought upon His body. The Passion of the Christ movie was good at revealing the hatefulness of the scourge and it’s effect upon a human body. What the Roman soldiers didn’t know was each blow that removed flesh creating oozing stripes were for the healing of man’s sickness and illnesses. Just as the Blood of Jesus was necessary for us to be washed clean of our sins the stripes are necessary for our healing. I know this is true for I have been healed by them.

I’ve shared many times the miracle I received after falling from a tree while hunting. My left knee was dislocated and by pulling my body off of it I heard the “pop” as it came back into place. The pain was unbearable and when I cried out to Jesus He sent a man to help me. As we drove along I told him about my cousin who had been hit be a car leaving her near dead. When her husband and sister ran up to her she said, “I’m OK Jesus is here with me.” When I repeated these same words all the pain left instantly, Glory to God! I didn’t need an operation or any other treatment. The stripes of Jesus were more than enough. God is faithful and I’ve experienced it.

The purpose of this message is to allow you to know Him too if you don’t already. Did you know the worse words in the Bible are those of Jesus when He said to half the virgins in Matthew 25, “I never knew you.” These were rejected just as the ones outside the ark as the water rose. If you don’t know the Lord please understand He loves you and desires that you repent of your sins so He can give you salvation. See yourself in the ark for once inside Jesus we are eternally safe.

Our hearts are hard and must be “cracked open” to receive the Gospel message, this is why preaching is necessary. Teaching appeals to the mind but preaching confronts us and deals with our hearts. For instance do you know that every evil thing you’ve done was placed upon Jesus as He died? Yes, all the things that would make you want to run and hide forever if they were made known. Well let me tell you they will be made known on Judgment Day if you aren’t born again. We who have surrendered our lives to Jesus received an enormous gift, all our sins were erased and forgotten by God. We have been set free from our past forever, Hallelujah!

Anyone who refuses the free gift of eternal life will see their past revealed to all of mankind just before being cast into hell by God’ angels. All of this is in the Bible and if you are wise you will make your peace with God right now. Tell Him from your heart exactly how you feel that Jesus was beaten, abused and nailed upon a cross for you personally. If you don’t feel anything spend more time meditating upon this fact. God gave us emotions and if the Holy Spirit is there I can guarantee you there will be something happening to you. We need an experience for Satan will come often trying to convince you that you are lost. You can laugh at him and tell him in no uncertain terms, “GO NOW” in Jesus name and he will flee from you.

You have been added to God’s eternal family as you received Jesus as your Lord and Master. Now a servant of God you can go before Him and He will anoint you for service. Go today and experience Joy as never before.

In His Service,

Capt. Ben Marler

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