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Thursday, November 5, 2009


One of the reasons so few are born again Christians is they don’t understand much about God. The reason is they just can’t find the time to read the Bible. They can watch TV until their tails hurt sitting on a couch or chair but just can’t turn it off and read what God has to say. When you see how God responds to folks who aren’t obedient you will say with me, “God isn’t nice.” This doesn’t mean He isn’t Good for He is more than our understanding of the word. He is Holy and His Holiness demands that He not be nice.

Let me explain this for you. God loves us with an unconditional love but not one that allows us to live in disobedience. He sees this as rebellion and since He is preparing a family for eternity and they will be like Him not like the devil. Please read First John 3 and you should see it for yourself. Those who sin “regularly” are not God’s kids, He said that, I didn’t. If He was “nice” He would overlook a lot of what we can “little” or small sins. Let me assure you He doesn’t overlook any sin and not only that all of them are recorded for Judgment Day. If you are not born again you are walking on the thinnest ice in the world.

Folks are dying constantly. I haven’t seen where any funeral homes are going out of business. Many are making less money due to cremations taking the place of elaborate coffins and accessories. You need to awaken each day and thank God you are alive and make a commitment to do His will “all day long” as you understand it. You aren’t working your way into Heaven for Jesus bought that for us by dying on a cross in obedience to His Father. Unless you understand He was dying for you personally [paying for all the sins you have committed or might still commit] you don’t have a snowballs chance of becoming born again. When you and I arrive in Heaven that is the common denominator, we are all born again.

Some have accomplished a lot for the Lord as the Holy Spirit came upon them empowering them to do the “works” God prepared before hand for them. My favorite verse in all the Bible is Ephesians 2:10. Why don’t you look it up and see why. I would bet you will use it before long as you want to thank God for sending Jesus to the cross for you. If you don’t, please write to me ASAP for you have a big problem. Not only that, but you are depriving yourself of God’s Joy. Did you know He said, “I want my joy to be your joy.” Consider JOY as pay for obedience!

God isn’t nice and it’s for our good that He isn’t. Once we are all living in Heaven with Him then we will see His “nice side”. Right now like a great football coach who is turning boys into men they aren’t nice either. They are demanding of the players to give their best and second best in never acceptable. Are you willing to give you best to God in what ever you do everyday? If you aren’t, please tell me why.

When I operated a deep sea fishing business with my wife and mom I never gave less than my best to it. I couldn’t have lived with myself for I had dedicated myself to the Lord before I ever reached the pier. I wasn’t any where as gifted as some of the other captains who also took large groups into the gulf day after day but I was as successful catching fish for my party. I was so dependent upon Jesus He would get the fish ready for me. One day I had a large church group of over 70 aboard and they wanted to have a fish fry at their church when they returned. As I lay in my bed the night before the trip I asked the Lord to help me. He gave me the loran coordinates as to where I was to take them.

Arriving at the spot the water was full of fish and within a few hours the large fish boxes were packed. I was also able to anchor on the place making my day an easy and “great day “ in the Lord. I gave Him my best and He gave me His. The fish weren’t huge but they caught them two at a time. It was a beautiful thing to see. God is so Good, but not nice. I hope you know Him personally but if you don’t please write to me or find me somewhere and I will introduce you to Jesus. He loves you more than I could ever tell you and wants to tell you Himself. Will you allow Him today?

In His Service,

Capt. Ben Marler,
Follow That Blog!

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