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Monday, November 2, 2009


Jesus was amazed when his disciples awakened Him from sleep as their small boat began to fill up with water. They were experienced fishermen and knew before long they were going to have the boat sink from under them. As a modern day boat captain even with all the modern life saving equipment aboard our vessels sinking isn’t something I would look forward to experiencing. For one they had no life jackets and maybe weren’t that strong of swimmers especially in the stormy waters they were battling. I can see them bailing water as fast as they can but not gaining at all.

Jesus seemed surprised that they were so afraid for He had been with them for some time now and they already knew He was someone very special. But why didn’t He wake up and realize the grave danger facing them? The answer might surprise you, Jesus is Almighty God in the flesh. Yes He is Emmanuel, God with us. Mary was told by the angel Gabriel that her son would be called Emmanuel or God with us. She was the only one who knew for sure when she delivered Jesus that she was still a virgin. Joseph had been told she was, and to his credit, he treated her as one, even when she turned up pregnant. We who are born again know by experience that Jesus is God for He lives in us. This is what born again means.

When Jesus spoke to the wind it stopped immediately and the sea became calm leaving his crew of disciples stunned. “Who is this that can calm the wind and waves with a word” was their open statement to each other. I can see some standing there looking like a deer in the headlights for they still didn’t know. This is true today for many Christians. They go to worship services and duly place money in the offerings not really knowing that Jesus is God. I’ve heard many call Him, “The man upstairs“ or some other name that reveals they don’t have a clue. If you know Jesus is God I hope you are not offending Him by living a life of fear.

Fear is a spirit and not one you and I should welcome but resist in the Name of Jesus and watch it go. This message is to help you gain the confidence to use the Name of Jesus as the evil spirits are about to make inroads in the church. We are already into a severe downturn in the economy and with the polices being followed by the current administration it will continue to go down. Now this doesn’t mean it will effect us in a negative way for God has made some awesome promises to His children. Please read John 1:12 to see who His kids happen to be. This is a necessity for all of us so do it!

One of the things my wife and I learned about 30 years ago is that it is more blessed to give than to receive. When we lined up with the Word of God our life was far more enjoyable. This doesn’t mean we didn’t work for we did and the 14-15 hour days took a toll on us but we were young “back then” and could do it. God didn’t tell us to give everything away but to make it available to the Holy Spirit. Looking back I have some memories that are absolutely priceless [no pun intended] when the gift was really not that much money. I just followed my heart and God did the rest.

Many are fearful now of being able to make their mortgages and to pay their other debts and it may look impossible but Jesus said, “Nothing is impossible with God.“ Our job is to believe Him. In Hebrews 11:6 we learn that, “Without faith it is impossible to please God for we must believe that He is and He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.” Pay close attention to the word diligently. This means to spend time with Jesus asking the Holy Spirit to help you.

As you seek the Lord, know in your heart that He is on your side, because He is alive in you. This alone should relieve you of fear. You are not a mortal now, you are an immortal and can not die. Oh your body might stop working, as everyone’s does, but the real you is instantly alive forevermore with Jesus. “To be absent from the body is to be with the Lord.” “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints [true believers].”

I suspect most of us have more anxiety over the safety of our family than any other thing. Well if do, let’s commit them to the Lord each day and trust Him to guard them with His angels. Danger lurks everywhere but so does our Omnipresent God.

Coming to understand who you are in Christ is the real secret of living in the gift of God’s Peace or Shalom. It is ours as we accept it. Like someone offering you a gift it isn’t yours until you take it into your possession. Will you take Jesus now as your Lord? He isn’t anyone’s Savior until He is the Lord of their life, trust me in this. I know from my own experience it is true and so do millions more. If you need more please ask. I have many messages that can help you.

In His Service,

Capt. Ben Marler

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