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Friday, December 18, 2009


This message will bring healing to many once they allow their past understanding of divine healing and grab hold of this TRUTH.
We must understand that Jesus came to save sinners and did so when He died on a cross with every sin ever committed or would be was heaped upon Him. Can you imagine the stench that rose to Heaven as He bore them? It’s no wonder God the Father deserted Jesus causing Him to cry out, “My God, My God why have you forsaken Me.” After this plea the Father must have held His nose and looked back upon His Only Begotten. Please grasp this with all your might for without it how can you and I love Jesus enough?
The truth is we can’t and this is why we see “Christians” having to be recommitted, some over and over. Personally, I don’t believe these folks are born again [yet]. We who enjoy intimacy with Jesus have it as a duty and a privilege to not judge those outside His family but always be reaching out to them. The LOVE of God inside us is all we need so let it loose and see Him redeem them for Himself.
If you think about it Jesus actually accomplished three things as He died. One He shed His Blood so the Father could wash us clean as we repent and accept Jesus as our Lord. He is also our Savior but that will be realized on Judgment Day. Please don’t go around calling Jesus your Savior if you aren’t walking in obedience. Didn’t Jesus say, “Why do you call me Lord, Lord and not do what I say?“ Yes He did and few seem to hear it.
As He hung in agony the pain from the beating ministered by the brute Roman Soldiers with a scourge that lacerated His body leaving stripes which were bloody welts. Bits and pieces of His flesh had been removed with each blow. This is a historical fact and the moment we look upon them trusting His agony and sacrifice for us healing will flow to us. Don’t struggle with this just do it. When I feel “ugly” I instantly go to the Lord and thank Him for being beaten nearly to death FOR ME! If you are born again please consider healing as part of your inheritance for it is.
Jesus defeated Satan at the Cross and everything that He accomplished is ours as we receive Him into our hearts as LORD. Please memorize John 1:12 for it is paramount to our relationship. “To as many as those who receive Him [Jesus] gave He the power to become the children of God, even those who believe in His Name.” I will never forget the day the Holy Spirit illuminated this verse to me. For at least 30 days it was the only thing I wanted to speak about. At Last, the Lord allowed me to understand that Salvation isn’t an intellectual exercise but an experiential one. Just as you are breathing now and living once we inhale Jesus by faith we live forever.
Billions believe that simply believing in Jesus will get them saved. Doesn’t Satan and his huge hoard of hateful demon spirits believe in Jesus and tremble? You are right they tremble for they know where they are going when God is through using them. I believe all illness, disease and sicknesses come from Satan. Read the Book of Job and you can see how this works. God only allows Satan so much room to work and then only to bring humans to a place where they will come to Christ. Many are suffering and never come which is our fault. We have tons of God’s love inside us but it has been dammed up.
The Lord has told us that from our bellies would flow LIVING WATER. It can happen when we release it but will not burst out like a volcano until then. Do you want to see folks saved? Love them, lift them up to the Lord boldly and pray for God to reveal Himself in Jesus. In 1st John we are told, “Those who have Jesus have eternal life and those who have not Jesus have not eternal life.“ Do you believe Him? If you do then release Jesus inside you to those headed to judgment and death. If you don’t may I suggest you come up with a very good excuse that God will accept, you will need it.
I would rather pray for a sick person than anyone for I know Jesus and He is more than willing to meet their need. I often have while reading in the Bible where He healed the sick, delivered the possessed, raised the dead and forgave those who repented. Remember the criminal dying next to him who repented? Jesus forgave Him instantly and told him that He was taking him to Paradise. Sadly, the other criminal refused to repent and was lost. We must work while there is still light. That light is Jesus inside you!
In His Service,
Capt. Ben Marler

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