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Monday, March 8, 2010


This isn’t a trick question but a very serious attempt to allow you to see there’s one thing that can definitely have you on the outside looking in. I believe nothing offends the Lord more than our unwillingness to forgive those who have hurt us. It’s in the Lord’s prayer, “Father forgive me as I forgive those who have “trespassed” against me.” That word trespassed can cover a lot of ground. Some folks think their injury is worth killing the one who did it. The cemeteries have people interred in them who were killed by folks who allowed a grudge to reach the breaking point. Many are husbands who take their anger against a wife who for one reason or another has wronged them. A few men have also been done in by angry wives.

The bottom line, God is a forgiver and insists that His children [none of us are adults in His sight] be one too. Do you recall the famous Words of Jesus as He died on the cross, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.“ He’s our example and God is using His life to raise us up to be like Him. So, make your decision right now, don’t put it off, are you going to forgive those who have hurt you? The reason you must is not one of us has a guarantee of another day on earth. At any time we could be “in the news” where we lost our life due to an automobile accident, act of violence or just the result of running out of time. The Bible tells us, “There’s a day to be born and a day to die.” I believe it is predetermined by God Himself.

I will never forget the day my Dad left for Heaven. We were in a meeting a few hours earlier where words were spoken in opposition to a development in Destin which I didn’t want. My dad didn’t say much but he ended his comments with these words, “If I’ve said anything here today to offend anyone may God forgive me.“ He hadn’t, in my mind, said anything for which he needed forgiveness but he was speaking his heart to a group who needed to hear the words. A few hours later while eating in a restaurant with some of the folks leading the meeting God said, “Ben, come up here.“

He suffered a major heart attack, and to help my Mom cope who was sitting next to him, a medical doctor dining at the next table instantly began CPR but to no avail. The fact he was there assured her later that there wasn’t a thing anyone could have done to save her sweetheart.

She was so upset that God hadn’t taken her at the same time with my dad she was angry with Him for six months. I kept telling her, Mother you can’t get away with this, you must forgive the Lord. She finally did but it was a hard go for her as she and my dad were very much one in many ways. I also told her that the reason she was still here, she wasn’t finished. God had much for her to do and he gave her an extra 25 years to do it. I’m so grateful for she and I ran the family business as a team during this time.

I can only imagine what the reunion with my dad must have been like when God said, “Cleo, come up here.“ I was in the room when Jesus came for her and have written about it. Again, God in His faithfulness kept His promise to her as He does to everyone who places their full trust in Him.

Do you want God to say your name and then add “come up here”? If you do, make sure that today you seek His face and ask Him who you are holding something against. Please don’t say you aren’t, every human being ever born, has at one time or another been guilty of unforgiveness. When the Holy Spirit reminds you of an incident or person, thank Him. It‘s a huge gift for now you can humbly ask God to forgive you for holding onto to something that only Satan was glad about.

It isn’t necessary for us to tell the person that we’ve forgiven them but it sure would be a loving gesture to send them a card telling them that you love them and let them figure out why you have. If they ask, you can simply say, “God is cleaning me up for Heaven.” Do you recall the Bible tells us that the Bride of Christ [all born again Christians] will be without spot or blemish? I like to use 1 John 1:9 when I’ve done something, or failed to do something, which makes my Heavenly Father unhappy with me.

Hopefully you won’t dismiss these words as something for someone else, for if you do, I believe I’m going to miss your company in Heaven. Just remember, no wrong done to us now is worth standing in fire forever and ever. God doesn’t play games yet some do it. Always be very serious when you go to God. Tell Him how much you love Him and want to serve Him now and throughout eternity. You will put a beautiful smile on His lovely face. Do it right now, OK? And let’s get to work doing His business.

In His Service,

Capt. Ben Marler

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