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Tuesday, May 25, 2010


There have always been people who want nothing to do with God and there’s a very good reason for it. They see Him as stern and mean instead of Loving like we who are born again know Him in Jesus and this isn’t a small problem for them. We’re the only ones He has now to rescue them from sudden doom which looms before them. Jesus told us only a few would be saved, even though God said He desires all men to repent and be saved. This message will offer some ways to overcome their resistance. Read on and see what you can do to bring the Kingdom of God to where you live.

Today I encountered a man on a street corner with a cardboard sign. I’ve decided that to give them money is unwise for it will end up being spent on anything but nutritional food items. In my vehicle I had lots of bananas to give away here in Destin and also through the fellowship where Joan and I worship. I motioned for him to come over to the window and handed him a bag full. His eyes lit up and he said, “bananas, thank you.” As I looked at his face my first thought was, no one would hire him. It was obvious he had wasted his life away with alcohol and drugs. I hurt for him but there wasn’t a thing I can do in cases like this, unless God says, “Do something“. I know we can do something for some folks before they are this far gone.

We, who are God’s kids, must spend time with Jesus and allow His Spirit within us to flow in worship and service. There isn’t anything we can do “outside” of Him. He said, “You can do nothing apart from Me.” So let that sink in or you’ll become very frustrated in a hurry. Yesterday, after I made some copies of some messages to hand out I met a clerk who refused one saying, “I don’t believe in God.” To be honest, I didn’t handle this as well as I would have liked for he seemed proud of his atheism. I tried to engage him in some rational thought, like why does he think the water moves under the bridge at Destin. I wanted to show him that the Lord placed a perfectly sized moon the correct distance away to create a gravitational tidal flow to oxygenate the bay so the shrimp, etc., could live.

His arrogance made it impossible. When I spoke to his boss he said, “I believe in the big bang.” Lord, help me now! I told him I’m a retired boat captain and I saw many flying fish [which is my favorite fish to see] while out on the gulf, how did they come about from the big bang? He was arrogant too and said, “I believe in flying fish.“ It was obvious this wasn’t going anywhere so I headed for the door. Then all of a sudden, I turned to the first guy and said, you know lots of folks think I’m crazy and I am, for I love you. Before he could reply I turned on my heel and left the store. As I reached the sidewalk I prayed Lord, let him chew on that for a while.

I blame religion for most of these problems. No one wants to be controlled and God doesn’t approve of it either. In Revelations Jesus said He hated the work of the Nicolaitans. God gives us freedom to live and love as Jesus loved. Jesus had one desire and that was to please the Father. If we are his disciple shouldn’t we be the same? You bet, and the sooner we get to it the better. Every time I see these two clerks I’m only going to love on them. If God wants more then He’ll have to tell me. Otherwise, they’re on their own.

You may have some in your family who are like these two. Why not ask God if He’s assigned someone else to reach them. Just love on them with “unconditional love” and rest in the fact that God can get them. I do believe in praying a “Boma” or corral of protection around folks, but after almost 40 years trying, I still haven’t been able to save a single soul.

Jesus is the Savior but that will happen when we stand before Him on Judgment Day. We shouldn’t call Him our Savior unless we’re living in Him and for Him. Countless “Christians” proclaim Jesus as their Lord when there isn’t the slightest bit of evidence He is. There isn’t a flow of love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, longsuffering, temperance and faithfulness coming from them. Until we’re walking in Jesus, there can’t be any.

Please realize we’re to have Jesus as our Lord [boss] and to do as we’re told, then the fruit of His Spirit will be pouring from us. He said He’s the Vine and we’re the branches who must abide in Him. [John 15] If you aren’t reading daily from the Bible, from mostly in the New Testament, you’ll remain ignorant and lifeless. Our life is to always be a blessing to others just as Jesus is a blessing to us. Can God count on you to serve Him? Be born again and it’s a slam dunk. If you need help, ask and you shall receive.

In His Service,

Capt. Ben Marler

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