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Monday, May 24, 2010


This is a very familiar term in American politics. There seems to be two schools of thought on most everything and from time to time each will galvanize folks into political groups. The most prevalent here in America are the Republican and Democratic parties. From time to time others will surface [like the tea party one now] but all seem to sink out of sight until later on when the same issues will resurrect it or them. Politics has become nothing more now than where a few are attempting to grab as much power as possible to control the rest of us.
I’m not saying every politician is a “pole cat” but once many get into office they have one thing in mind and that’s to get re-elected. This drives them to scratch the backs of some who are down right dishonest. The Bible tells us, “Bad company corrupts good morals.“ I suspect it more appropriate in politics than anywhere else. Well, this message isn’t about all this but to alert you to the coming of the LORD JESUS CHRIST to rule on earth.
Just as God raised up John the Baptist before Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit to minister to the Jewish Nation we who are His have the same job to do today. You may have been led to believe that salvation comes without responsibility but you are about to get a wake up call right here. If you are one of the millions who “got saved” by lifting a hand in church or by being baptized I hope you have a viable testimony to back it up. This means you must be able to tell when you died to your old life [should have happened in mere minutes] and came alive in Jesus by being born again. If you can’t I would counsel you to consider yourself lost.
To give you an idea what this means, Jesus when living in us causes us to love everyone even those we don’t like. Do you love everyone? You can by going to the cross and getting a picture as to what God did to His Son for you. It boils down to this: Do you care that Jesus was whipped to near death by the Romans using a hateful scourge that removed flesh? Do you care that He was slapped, slugged in the face where His beard had been ripped out? Do you care He was verbally abused as they spit in His face? Does it bother you that He was thrown down and nailed to a rugged cross to die? Do you care that while hanging there all but a few deserted Him including God the Father? Do you recall Jesus crying out, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken ME? Yes God turned away for your sins and mine were on Jesus and God hates sin.
Jesus was left hanging on those cruel spikes for six hours. That is a very long time to die and we know it. As He hung there His Blood dripped from the many wounds. They didn’t know then and many today don’t know the Blood of Jesus is the only thing that can remove sin. It can still remove sin and God will use it to cleanse you if you are willing to repent. This word doesn’t mean “I’m sorry“. It really means God I’ve very sorry for my sins and hate them as you do. How I wish I had never committed them and I now choose to go the other way and live my life for you instead of myself.
If this is from your heart you’ll be forgiven for them and made clean as new snow. God won’t call you a sinner again but a child of His. “To as many as those who receive Him [Jesus] to them gave He the power to become the children of God even those who believe in His Name.“ John 1:12 Trust me in this you can not receive the Spirit of God into a dirty heart. Anyone who says you can is wrong, dead wrong. Paul tells us that “The secret hidden from the ages is Christ within you the hope of glory.“ If you knew Jesus was coming to your house would you clean it up first? Of course you would and I would too. I’d hire extra help to get it done right.
If you’ve received Jesus as your Lord would you be so kind as to send me an email and tell me about it? I’d walk a good mile to hear a real testimony. I’ve heard many and one that still blesses me is one told by one of my customers. He said he and his wife were sitting on a pew in their church when the most terrible man in their town came and sat next to him. He was a bit shocked and said, “Why are you here?” The man said, “I come to get saved.” He said he told him to go to the altar. I asked, did he go? He said, “He ran”. When the Holy Spirit is after us we run to God for we know we are lost and in danger of being cast into hell. There are so many ways the Lord can draw us to Jesus, yours may be unique too. Please share it with me.
While you’re at it, share it widely for it will help energize the Lord’s base where you live. The scriptures tell us “They defeated the devil with the Blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.” Use yours and defeat Satan when he’s after you. Are you a child of God? Win your battles!
In His Service,
Capt. Ben Marler

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