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Monday, June 21, 2010



There are many “man made” religions and they all have gods or a god but we who are Christians have but one God and His Name is Almighty God. If you want to come to know Him He’s made it possible by giving us the Holy Bible, His written Word. If you try and understand it intellectually you will be troubled for He says within it, It’s spiritually discerned. This means you need the Holy Spirit of God to help you. I learned this back in 1971 when He drew me to Himself by allowing me to believe that Jesus died for me.

I’ve written extensively about it and won’t do so here again but I will repeat I melted before Him. This means when the Holy Spirit brought me under conviction of my countless sins [I was 32 at the time] I knew I was undone. I had committed sins for which I’m so ashamed now but are now gone forever. God my Heavenly Father had them erased from the Books to be opened on Judgment Day and from His mind. He gave me eternal life and the peace that passes all understanding. He left me here to witness His goodness and mercy called Amazing Grace.

He has told us, “I will not strive with man forever”. That’s the theme of this message and if you’re wise you’ll heed it. Please ask yourself the important question, “Do I know about Jesus or do I have an intimate relationship with Him?“ Some might ask it another way, “Do I know for sure if I were to die right now I would definitely go to Heaven?” This isn’t as good a question for many believe they can add to His sacrifice on the cross. When asked they’ll tell you how “good” they are or how they aren’t as bad as someone else like a murderer. Religion has allowed them to do this and if you are one and want to help yourself please pray this prayer with all your heart. “Dear God, I know there must be some religion in me somewhere and I ask you in Jesus Name to remove it from me now.”

Some major denominations are not able to bring anyone to salvation for they are being led by the lost themselves. Please allow me to explain. Salvation is simple, God made it simple to confound the wise. Salvation is when we come to the place we are under conviction of our sinfulness [by the Holy Spirit] and admit it. Somehow we can see our sins on Jesus as He hung on the cross. As planned by God the scene breaks open our heart so we can “receive Jesus” by faith into our hearts. Paul tells us, “The mystery hidden from the ages is Christ within you the hope of Glory.” Once He is inside us our old life is over and we are now “in Christ“.

Ephesians 2:10 my favorite verse, tells us. “For we are His workmanship created “in Christ Jesus” to do good works that God Himself has prepared for us to walk in [do]” Please see “in Christ Jesus” for until we are in Him, we’re still lost. In First John 5:11-12 we’re reminded, “Those who have Jesus have eternal life. Those who have not Jesus, have not eternal life.” Please see it doesn’t say, “Those who believe in Jesus have eternal life but those who have Him. In John 1:12 He tells us. “To as many as those who “receive Him” to them gave He the power to become the children of God even those who believe in His Name [Jesus].” Do you understand Christianity isn’t a religion which requires us to do things but a brand new life in Christ Himself.

He gave us two laws, Love God with all we are and have and love our neighbors as we love ourselves. If you are in Jesus, are you keeping these two laws willfully? If you are, then help me to take the Good News to the lost while we have time. God is running out of patience with mankind. If you’re wondering why, please understand He hates violence and it’s increasing world wide. Because of violence He sent the great flood that destroyed all breathing life except for Noah, his family and an ark full of birds and animals. When He did it He was giving mankind one more chance and we’ve “blown it”. As I write Iran is preparing to nuke Israel or use chemical weapons capable of mass murder in an attempt to irradiate them.

What they should realize Israel has the power now to place Iran back in the stone age and will, unless the Lord intervenes. Israel has been God’s people since God sent Abraham to the land thousands of years ago. Read the Exodus in the Bible and you can see how it was given to them. Later, due to their disobedience they lost control of it and were cast all over the earth as was prophesied. Then in 1948 by a true miracle it was returned to them by an agreement with the British and other countries involved after a war. It’s their’s now and no one will ever be able to take it away from them. Jesus is coming again and He will place His feet upon the mountain from where He left after His Resurrection. Do not disappoint Him by not being prepared when He comes. Be born again today. If you need help, just ask.

In His Service,

Capt. Ben Marler

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