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Monday, June 14, 2010


America has two major political parties the Democrats and the Republican. Both have folks in them that should be removed for not keeping their oath of office. Just watching TV now is nauseating for the party in power is being led by Demoncrats. Before you become angry allow me to say I am judging them according to the Word of God. There is no way He, who forms all humans in the womb, “knitting them together” can approve of the willful killing of the innocent. With out going into it just what political party champions abortion? There are Republicans who are also guilty for they have been tempted to join the slaughter to keep their positions in Congress.

How I wish for a great revival to spring forth now where the Holy Spirit can bring conviction and true repentance not only to them but to the masses that support them. Please pray with me for one that will be accompanied by God’s mighty power to save, heal and deliver.

Folks we are running out of time for the world is in great danger now from the threat of armed conflict between Israel and Iran. When this happens the repercussions will be felt world wide. Like it or not we have allowed our economy to be supported by foreign oil when we have plenty of our own. The nuclear power plants should be widespread giving us energy but there are folks who are determined to destroy this country one way or another.

As much as I detest the impact the oil spill is having on our ecology and lives we need to keep our eyes on Jesus instead. Let’s leave the work and anger to those hired now to clean it up. Unless you are employed and trained you have no business messing with it. What you can do instead is go into a closet and ask God to finish His business so we can come home.

If you’re born again of the Spirit of Jesus you have an eternal home, heaven. If you are still lost in your sins, today is the day you can become free from them and have God adopt you too. He leaves that up to us but hurts each time a lost person dies for He knows on Judgment Day, to keep His Word, He will have them cast into hell. If we’re born again and don’t feel His pain we must go and ask for it. Until we experience the agony of Jesus there isn’t anyway we are going to “really care” if people get saved, not even our own family members. This is a terrible shame.

Why do you think God left us here after adding us to His family? We are to be servants and stewards so He can reward us later on. Not everyone in Heaven will serve Him the same way. Those who put God and His purposes first will be first there. Many tell me, “Oh, I will just be glad to get inside the door.” They are ignorant and must be told that God wants to use them as a conduit for His saving love. Jesus wants to love “everyone” through us so “they” will know we are His disciples. Are you open to be used?

One of the first things God does when He adds us to the Family is give us the Holy Spirit inside us. This is being born the second time. The Holy Spirit is there to lead us into all Truth. He is with us to anoint us to have the same power Jesus experienced. Few seem to believe it and never have the power to witness making Satan as happy as a lark. Please read Luke 3:16 and ask Jesus to baptize you. Your Pastor or someone probably baptized you in water for repentance but may not have even understood the second baptism. Many tell me they have it but can’t produce a testimony confirming it. It is up to you for God gives us a lot of freedom to serve or not. Please read Ephesians 2; 8,9 and 10 as a package.

The bottom line is simply this, we can be like the Demoncrats who are headed for judgment [unless they repent and are born again] making a mockery of God’s purposes. I hope and pray you will take this message very seriously for it has eternal consequences. Stand up for the unborn and speak out as Jesus would be doing now. Never support a politician who you know isn’t serving God and his or her country honorably. Finally, submit yourself to Jesus 24/7/365 and allow Him to work through you to bring Life to those who are dying. You’ll be shocked as to all that He has for you.

In His Service,

Capt. Ben Marler

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