The great falling away will happen and we can count on it. When God says something will happen you can be on one side or the other. I have chosen like Joshua who drew a line in the sand with his foot and said, “As for me and my family we will serve the Lord.” The rebels had a choice to go with their leader or return to slavery in Egypt. How soon they were falling away from God who had taken them from the whips of the Egyptians and led them to the Promised Land.
If you know the story of the Exodus you remember that when Joshua sent men into the land to scout it only two came back saying lets get it done. The others began to complain that the people were like giants and the cities impossible to breach causing the people to revolt against Joshua. They paid a huge penalty for God led them back into the desert where he allowed a 40 year time of elimination by death. He didn’t completely give up on them and fed them for 40 years with manna from Heaven. But it was their children who now grown crossed the Jordan River.
Folks the Promised Land is the NEW JERUSALEM, a immense city made by God for us. It is 1500 miles cubed with streets of pure gold. Read in Revelations 20 and 21 to see where you will live if you aren’t part of the apostasy. Jesus said only a few will be saved, will you be one of them?
This message is being supplied to you so you can have BLESSED ASSURANCE. God is very serious and to live with Him we must be too. He has a plan which He isn’t going to change for any of us. We are the ones who will change or be lost. Now change can be a good thing and in this case the best thing in the world for us. If you can’t recognize you are a sinner in God’s sight I understand. In most churches today it isn’t even mentioned. So allow me to tell you what sin is and how to live free.
Sin is the result of us “missing the mark” or using our will to do what is the opposite of God’s will for us. Look at the 10 Commandments [not suggestions] and you will see the Lord knows us and our sinful natures. There are things we must do and things we must not do. These rules are for our good. Now no one can keep them and our Heavenly Father knew it. During the time in which Moses revealed them the people had been in slavery for over 400 years. They didn’t know the God who had claimed them as His own.
The people being led by Moses had experienced some of the “fireworks” from God when His Presence covered the mountain in their sight. It frightened them and they asked Moses to ask God to speak only to Moses. And yet they were a still very disobedient group.
There are born again Christians living today as if nothing happened to them when they trusted in Jesus. Some of the more famous ones have found themselves ridiculed in the press and on TV. It saddens me when these leaders are exposed for their fall hurts the cause of Christ. I’ve asked God to kill me before I would do anything that would bring shame on the Name of Jesus. He knows I mean it too. I have made a very important decision, I am not going to be part of the apostasy. Jesus paid too much for me as He hung in my place upon His cross. The shame has been paid along with all the acts of rebellion for all of us.
Now if you want to be sure you won’t fall away, fall in love with Jesus. Now if you don’t understand this don’t despair for the Holy Spirit is here to help you. He can take you to the cross where He will allow you to comprehend the depth of God’s love for you. Gaze upon Jesus hanging in your place. See the anguish upon His face. He didn’t have to die for you but He chose to do it in obedience to the Father. His death caused His Blood to be spilled as the Only sacrifice acceptable to God for your sins. Do you care? If you do then it is up to you to tell God with a true remorse for your sinful past.
God always looks at the heart and if it is honest He knows it. As you experience some of the pain suffered for you rejoice for God is granting you what you need to avoid the coming apostasy. No one who has this experience will fall away. Now that you have it begin to live a life of Joy and Freedom. Live life to the fullest for God and not yourself and you will have a ball! Better yet, many will come to trust Christ through your love.
In His Service,
Capt. Ben Marler
captben61@gmail.com captben61.blogspot.com
The great falling away will happen and we can count on it. When God says something will happen you can be on one side or the other. I have chosen like Joshua who drew a line in the sand with his foot and said, “As for me and my family we will serve the Lord.” The rebels had a choice to go with their leader or return to slavery in Egypt. How soon they were falling away from God who had taken them from the whips of the Egyptians and led them to the Promised Land.
If you know the story of the Exodus you remember that when Joshua sent men into the land to scout it only two came back saying lets get it done. The others began to complain that the people were like giants and the cities impossible to breach causing the people to revolt against Joshua. They paid a huge penalty for God led them back into the desert where he allowed a 40 year time of elimination by death. He didn’t completely give up on them and fed them for 40 years with manna from Heaven. But it was their children who now grown crossed the Jordan River.
Folks the Promised Land is the NEW JERUSALEM, a immense city made by God for us. It is 1500 miles cubed with streets of pure gold. Read in Revelations 20 and 21 to see where you will live if you aren’t part of the apostasy. Jesus said only a few will be saved, will you be one of them?
This message is being supplied to you so you can have BLESSED ASSURANCE. God is very serious and to live with Him we must be too. He has a plan which He isn’t going to change for any of us. We are the ones who will change or be lost. Now change can be a good thing and in this case the best thing in the world for us. If you can’t recognize you are a sinner in God’s sight I understand. In most churches today it isn’t even mentioned. So allow me to tell you what sin is and how to live free.
Sin is the result of us “missing the mark” or using our will to do what is the opposite of God’s will for us. Look at the 10 Commandments [not suggestions] and you will see the Lord knows us and our sinful natures. There are things we must do and things we must not do. These rules are for our good. Now no one can keep them and our Heavenly Father knew it. During the time in which Moses revealed them the people had been in slavery for over 400 years. They didn’t know the God who had claimed them as His own.
The people being led by Moses had experienced some of the “fireworks” from God when His Presence covered the mountain in their sight. It frightened them and they asked Moses to ask God to speak only to Moses. And yet they were a still very disobedient group.
There are born again Christians living today as if nothing happened to them when they trusted in Jesus. Some of the more famous ones have found themselves ridiculed in the press and on TV. It saddens me when these leaders are exposed for their fall hurts the cause of Christ. I’ve asked God to kill me before I would do anything that would bring shame on the Name of Jesus. He knows I mean it too. I have made a very important decision, I am not going to be part of the apostasy. Jesus paid too much for me as He hung in my place upon His cross. The shame has been paid along with all the acts of rebellion for all of us.
Now if you want to be sure you won’t fall away, fall in love with Jesus. Now if you don’t understand this don’t despair for the Holy Spirit is here to help you. He can take you to the cross where He will allow you to comprehend the depth of God’s love for you. Gaze upon Jesus hanging in your place. See the anguish upon His face. He didn’t have to die for you but He chose to do it in obedience to the Father. His death caused His Blood to be spilled as the Only sacrifice acceptable to God for your sins. Do you care? If you do then it is up to you to tell God with a true remorse for your sinful past.
God always looks at the heart and if it is honest He knows it. As you experience some of the pain suffered for you rejoice for God is granting you what you need to avoid the coming apostasy. No one who has this experience will fall away. Now that you have it begin to live a life of Joy and Freedom. Live life to the fullest for God and not yourself and you will have a ball! Better yet, many will come to trust Christ through your love.
In His Service,
Capt. Ben Marler
captben61@gmail.com captben61.blogspot.com
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