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Friday, December 28, 2012


REVELATION: YOU WILL NEED THIS IN THE DAYS AHEAD: Satan is a master at the military concept of "divide and conquer". He looks for things both tiny and gigantic that he can exploit to bring division. In marriage there are always things that he can use. Let's begin by truly [hating] him and his tactics. He's the author of death and we must never forget it. In some minor instances, he's been able to cause such a riff in relationships they are [never] repaired and sometimes violence occurs. God said He hated divorce and for good reason. I suspect there has never been one that didn't create terrible pain for both people and all who love them. My mom divorced her husband whom she accused of not being willing to work and support her and their two small children. With tears she told me how difficult her life was afterwards and even when she returned to Destin with her two children she would divide what small amount of food she had between them leaving her nothing. Thank God her mom and dad lived near by and would bring her food for herself. Years later she married my dad and he never stopped working. If there are [tiny or a bit larger issues] in your marriage DO NOT LET THEM GROW. Remember, no one can change another person for change occurs in the heart not the mind. Go to Jesus and ask Him first to change [you] and then your spouSe. If you'll do this, God's Holy Spirit will become more and more the center of your realtionship, and your children [if you have any] will be exceedingly blessed. There's more coming on this subject so pray for me.

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