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Wednesday, June 19, 2013


VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION: How many Catholics will be in Heaven? Answer: The same number as Baptist or any other denomination, all who are born again, that's all. Folks, when Jesus [who is Emmanuel] says we MUST DO SOMETHING it's not up for discussion. If you've "received Him" as the Lord of your life [He's in control of it] you and I, and all who've also surrendered, now have our names in the Book of Life. Please memorize John 1:12 However, those who say, "I believe in Jesus or [God] but refuse to pick up their crosses daily [as required to be a disciple] must surrender it too to be saved. Religion is not of God Almighty. Relationship is His intention and He's not culling out anyone. We can "cull" ourselves by insisting on attempting to work our way into heaven or equally bad trying to [believe] our way into it. Do you know anyone who believes in Jesus more than the devil and his rebellious demonic host? If you do please tell me, I want to know. NAIL THIS DOWN SOMEWHERE: "I am loved as much as anyone on the planet. Jesus created me in my mother's womb and gave me special gifts, talents and abilities so I could be great. He added my own unique finger prints to my fingers to prove just how much He loved me personally. He gave me a will that I use daily but mostly wrongly. He wants to take over my will so I can have His assurance I will never die. He tells me my name will be added to the Book of Life when I surrender". Now, if you place that some where you can see it, sooner or later it will get to you and you will actually do what I've done, and many millions [not billions] before you. You've actually been born again and adopted into the family of God. HALLELUJAH: The angels are rejoicing over you. So, then go tell someone, OK? I love you tons. Please pray I can continue to serve my King as He commands me.

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