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Tuesday, January 26, 2010


If abortion doesn’t kill the baby why do women have them? The child is unwanted and killing it in an abortion clinic is legal now so why not? Can you imagine how God must feel when a little one whom He has been carefully knitting together in the womb is intentionally destroyed? I saw an email the other day that the baby’s heart is beating on the 18th day. If this is true its mom didn’t even know he or she was in there. What a tragedy for mankind for each of us come equipped by God with gifts, talents and abilities chosen by Him for us to prosper and live productive lives.

Allow me to say up front taking the life of your baby isn’t the unforgivable sin but it is a terrible one. If anyone reading this message has chosen this “out”, I trust they will go to Jesus and tell Him exactly how they feel in their heart about it. He loves you more than I could tell you in a million years and He isn’t going to stop. His love is eternal and once we repent [turn from our sins with remorse] He will forgive us in a single heart beat. The problem, some are hurting so bad from their decisions they have a hard time accepting it. This message is for you and all those who are living in guilt.

The fact you feel guilty tells me and the Lord you haven’t driven the Holy Spirit away. I’ve met some in a jail ministry that I believe were past the place that they could come under conviction and repent. If you read the scriptures you will see God keeping His Word over and over. It means far more to Him than ours seem to mean to us. This isn’t the way it used to be. If my dad told someone something in business no one needed a contract to enforce it. He would rather have died than to have to break his word. We should be like that too, especially with our marriage vows. Did you know half of all marriages are failing now? This is tragic for in many of them the children will suffer terribly.

There’s an important statement in Matthew’s Gospel where God says, “Do not despise these little ones for their angel in Heaven continually beholds the face of God.” Jesus said one time that if anyone should cause one of these little ones to lose faith in Him it would be better for that man if a mill stone [very heavy] should be placed upon his neck and be cast into the sea.”

Perhaps you are getting the picture, God loves kids.

You and I were once so small and helpless but were blessed to have a mom or someone to comfort and care for us. When my mom gave birth to me in 1938 there were no such things as pampers, baby formula, pediatricians, baby monitors etc. She cared for me all by herself and did it well too. My mom lived for 85 years and called me her “baby” until I was a grandfather several times over. I can’t wait to see her again with my dad. They are waiting on me to come to my Heavenly Father’s house from where we will enjoy eternity together along with my Joan and our family.

As I write this, little ones are being denied their life and because of it our nation has lost some of the greatest minds. From some we could have found the answers to many troubling problems now causing difficulties for millions. For instance, if Bill Gates had been aborted I don’t think I would be typing this for you on my laptop. If Werner Von Braun had not been allowed to live, our space program would have suffered to the place the Russians would have walked on the moon and might just have us under their thumb today. Some of the things we take for granted like velcro and duct tape were brought to us by someone’s genius. I could write pages making my point but this should be enough for you.

Let me give you a B-12 shot. You are an incredible human being with special abilities that God wants developed for His glory. Now don’t tell me you can’t do anything for I know better. Ask God what He has given you and then ask Him to bring the right people in your life to help you. As I write I know that many are helping me right now for I have a host of folks who pray for me. I spoke with one today that teaches school in Ft. Walton Beach. I told her, I still pray every day for you and she said, “I pray daily for you too, you are on my list.” Thank God for I need prayer the way a baby needs nourishment and protection. For over 35 years I’ve written what the Lord places in my heart and He definitely placed this one for you. Please share it soon for babies are dying and Jesus is coming!

In His Service,

Capt. Ben Marler

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