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Friday, January 8, 2010


God said He made Christianity simple to confound the wise. Why do you think He did? Could it be He has had it with “wise guys” who are attempting to profit from the greatest gift offered to man? If you say Yes you are right on the money, no pun intended. I’ve written many times the dangers of accepting religion in one of it’s many forms. Some have grown into world wide denominations where their followers are controlled by the leadership. Jesus didn’t die for religious expression but for us to enjoy an intimacy with Him. He will never turn anyone away.

If you belong to a denominational church the question is simple, do you know Jesus or do you know about Him? Be very honest for your eternal life is hanging in the balance. If you think I’m kidding please read Matthew 25.

Remember as you read it the Lord Himself is speaking and when God speaks who can oppose Him and live? The shocking part is the rejection by Jesus of half the “virgins”. The five turned away He called foolish where as the five He accepted He called prudent. As they waited for Him to come to the wedding feast all had lamps but not all had brought extra oil. When He delayed His arrival the foolish found their lamps going out and asked their “sisters” for some. They were told they didn’t have enough to share and should go buy some. They found the door closed when they returned and heard the worse words in the Bible, “I never knew you.”

Of course He knew them for God knows everything and everyone. What He is saying He hasn’t entered their hearts and they are not born again. Paul tells us, “The mystery hidden from the ages is Christ within you the hope of glory.” If you miss this there isn’t a bit of hope for you. God isn’t building a club for us to belong but a family where membership is the result of repentance and confession. We must come to the Lord based upon our understanding that Jesus died for us on the cross. He bled and died there so we won’t have to face judgment and punishment. When this sinks into us we are more than willing to turn from our sinful lifestyles. His love for us is more than we can bear. Then when we ask for forgiveness He grants it.

Once cleansed we can invite Jesus to enter into us as LORD. John 1:12 tells us, “To as many as those who receive Him [Jesus] to them gave He the right to become the children of God even those who believe in His Name.”

When we were delivered our moms were still supplying our needs through the umbilical cord. It supplied oxygenated blood and nutrients by way of the placenta a miracle in itself. However when the cord was cut we were on our own, or BORN.

We can become born again by receiving the Spirit of God by faith as we’re told in Ephesians 2; 8-9. “For by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves, it is a gift of God and not of works less any should boast.“ As we receive the BREATH of God a magnificent thing happens, God adopts us into His family. He not only adopts us but has the record of our sins erased from the Books to be opened on Judgment Day. Then making it even better, God who remembers everything, says “I will remember his sins no more.” What can be better than this?

Do you remember the criminal who was forgiven by Jesus as He hung on the cross? His death at that time wasn’t an accident for God arranged it so we could see that even at the end of our life, regardless of how bad, He is ever gracious with His Amazing Grace.

Have you accepted His offer? I hope and pray this message will encourage you to go to the cross and make your peace with God. He’s waiting there for you and will give you the same forgiveness and acceptance into His family. He loves you with an insatiable love, please don’t disappoint Him.

Give up any religion you have and discover intimacy with Jesus. He’s your Way your Truth and your Life. Committing your life daily with Ephesians 2:10 will ensure you more JOY than you can handle. Go for it!

In His Service,

Capt. Ben Marler

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