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Monday, May 17, 2010


When Judas betrayed Jesus he inflicted unbelievable pain on the Lord. It would have been better if he had not been born. If you recall, in the account he soon realized that he had made a horrible mistake and hung himself. Just prior though he went back to the Sanhedrin admitting it. They didn’t care for they wanted Jesus out of the way and Judas threw the thirty pieces of silver into the sanctuary. They said, “This is the price of blood and can’t be placed back into the treasury.” So they took the money and bought a field where indigents and foreigners could be buried. It was called “the field of blood.”

I don’t know why, but I hurt for Judas and know that he may have been forgiven when Jesus went to the place of “departed spirits” during the three days His body was in the tomb. The scriptures tell us a host of captives were released from that place. How I hope Judas was in the group. You see, anyone cast into hell on Judgment Day will be there forever.

Jesus, in obedience to the Father, chose Judas when He was gathering the 12 Apostles and Judas walked for many miles with Him. On the other hand the scriptures tell us Judas was a thief and often pilfered from the collections given to Jesus and the group.

Have you and I ever stolen anything? I hate to admit it but I have and it grieves me. When I listen to Amazing Grace it moves me in my spirit for I know Jesus paid for my sins, including theft. How about you, are you grieved over your sins? If you aren’t this message is definitely for you. It was a very difficult thing for God to watch Jesus betrayed, beaten, cursed and nailed to a cross. The worse part for the Father must have been when the sins of the whole world were heaped on Jesus where He became sin for us. Think of some of the things you have done for which you would go into hiding if they became known. The embarrassment and shame would be way too much to bear. Some of them may even place us in a prison too. Jesus hung for six hours paying for these things, do you care?

That’s the bottom line with God, do you really care? If you do it is obvious to Him and you are instantly seeking forgiveness with a promise to “never do it again.“ I would bet this promise is broken more than any of them we make to God. Satan is always nearby listening and he is devilish in his cunning to get us to sin over and over unless we become born again. This means we can become a brand new person, with “no record” of having ever sinned, by repenting and receiving Jesus by faith into our hearts as LORD.

If you haven’t “received Jesus” as your Lord I guarantee you there have been times when you betrayed Him over and over. For instance, if you call yourself a Christian but act unloving to others, isn’t this the same thing? Jesus is LOVE. His love is called agape or “unconditional” and He loves everyone including His enemies. He forgave those who crucified Him while hanging on the cross. Isn’t that love? He said, “Father, forgive them for they don’t know what they were doing.”

What they were doing actually benefited mankind more than all the sermons preached afterwards put together. The act of these cruel Roman soldiers and the members of the Sanhedrin caused the spilling of the Blood of Jesus so God could erase the sins of all repentant sinners. All of the horrible wounds on Jesus bled. At the end a soldier pierced His side with a spear and the Bible tells us out came Blood and water. How precious is this Blood for without it, no one from Adam to the end of time could be saved.

Folks, I’ve had it with religion. Religion is man made and doesn’t have a thing to do with the intimate relationship offered by God to us. Jesus said, “True religion is ministry to widows and orphans in their need and to keep oneself unstained from this world.” If your denomination or fellowship is demanding more of you run as fast as you can to Jesus who will set you free. Yes, free to live as a servant of God who will be rewarded when we stand before Him. Please read Matthew 25 today and see it for yourself.

You need to make a decision today. Am I going to kiss Jesus like Judas? Am I going to live as if I don’t know Him? Am I going to continue to deny Him when I have opportunities to make Him known? Am I going to ask God to fill me to over flowing with His agape so others can come to know Jesus too? Or, am I going to just keep on keeping on as I’ve been doing?

You’re in my prayers to make the right choice and become a dynamic servant of the Living God Who will reward you with eternal life and a residence in Heaven. What are you going to do? Don’t put it off!

In His Service,

Capt Ben Marler

1 comment:

  1. This is one of the best articles I have read about Judas. I love you. Your daughter, Athena
