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Thursday, June 10, 2010



No one knows when Jesus will return to earth. He said that only the Father in Heaven knows. So I won’t venture a guess other than to say there’s going to be an event that will shock the world before He does. When He finally returns His foot will set down upon the spot from which He ascended. You can read about it in the beginning of the Book of Acts. What you’re about to read here is something very special and only a few will make the flight. You can be on it “if” you’re willing to give up your life [will] and surrender to the Lordship of Jesus. Trust me, only those born again will go.

Paul tells us in First Thessalonians 4:13-18 that there will be a shout by the arch-angel and those alive [living in Christ] along with the dead [who died in Him] will arise and meet the Lord in the air. This is called the rapture or great snatch. Please notice Jesus meets us in the air not here on earth. Please read the verses above and see it for yourself.

I believe this can happen at anytime now for I’m watching Israel surrounded by it’s enemies vowing to utterly wipe it off the map. Iran, it’s main enemy, is working hard to make nuclear weapons to use in attacking Israel. Personally, I don’t think they’ll get the chance for Israel is led by Benjamin Netanyahu an Israeli patriot who will strike them first.

Israel’s air force is perhaps the best in the world considering it’s size. It has it’s own IBM’s with small nuclear warheads. These Jericho 2 missiles are accurate and devastating. Now there are also new submarines with cruise missiles. I believe God has all of this under His control. Before He allows this conflict that will bring on the Great Tribulation He’ll remove His children to safety with Jesus.

The last verse says, “Therefore comfort one another with these words.” I’m not comforted that billions will be left during a time that Jesus said, “Unless my Father had shortened the days not even the elect could be saved.“ I hope you will believe these scriptures for they can save your life. Together, we can warn our loved ones to prepare too.

There’s no way anyone can be saved except by true repentance and then placing their full trust in all that Jesus did. His death and resurrection was for us and if we “receive Him” into our hearts [life], He’ll come in giving us a brand new life with “an experience“. We can’t have His and ours too for if we try, we’ll end up with a man made religion and not intimate relationship. I’ve been in both places, and there isn’t any comparison.

Until we experience forgiveness there isn’t anyway we can love Jesus as we should. When I surrendered [melted] before Jesus I literally felt shame and guilt leave me like a heavy weight being removed. Satan had used this load to keep me “guilty”. That night the Holy Spirit met me in my bedroom and anointed me so I could witness. And I have plus I’ve written extensively about it and won’t include any here except to say He led me with vivid incredible dreams that I can still remember 39 years later.

He also gave me this prophetic gift to share encouragement with the church. If you are being encouraged by these words please give Jesus the glory for I’m just His typist. If you’re still lost in yours sins afterwards it isn’t His fault nor mine. You must surrender your life [all of it] to Him.

There’s a verse that should help you do it. “Seek you first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and then all things shall be added unto you.” Do you understand what He’s saying here? In the Lord’s prayer we pray, “Thy Kingdom come Thy will be done..” We are already praying for it but just not willing or able to bring it to where we live. Isn’t this true?

God’s righteousness is our righteousness and was given to us when Jesus died for us. His most righteous act was to go to the cross for us. If we’re picking up our cross and walking with Jesus daily under the anointing of the Holy Spirit all things we need will be added unto us, so we can stop worrying. Please understand we aren’t earning our salvation, Jesus did that for us. What we’re doing is becoming true servants of the Lord like He intended. Our “works” reveal our faith just as it says in James. “Faith without works is dead.” It isn’t what we do on our own but what He leads us to do. If you are busy doing His labors you can rest in the promise that one day you’re going to zoom off earth and meet Jesus just above the earth just as He said and I’ll be there with you, to forever be with the Lord. Isn’t He wonderful?

In His Service,

Capt. Ben Marler

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