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Thursday, June 3, 2010



Are you stressed over the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico? If you aren’t, consider yourself as part of the minority. The 24 hour news services won’t let it become anything less than a national disaster. It may turn out to be a horrible blow to us, and then again it might not. I’m not saying that there won’t be folks greatly impacted for many are already in bad shape. I’m speaking on a larger scale now so please consider the words that follow.

Do you know why you were born? There was an excellent chance you wouldn’t have been except for one thing, God loved you before you were conceived in your mom. From biology class on human reproduction it was pointed out that it took a small miracle for a tiny sperm to reach a fertile egg at the proper time to provide God the ingredients to make us. The Bible tells us that God knits us together in the womb. Why do you think He did, for most of us have bad histories and certainly didn’t reward Him for His good work making us. Isn’t this true?

God knew that and provided a way for us to be redeemed and we all need redemption, including all the “goody two shoes” among us. We’ve all sinned and have fallen short of the Glory of God. He knew we would and devised a plan to bring us sinners into an intimate relationship where our past, no matter how black, could be washed as clean as new snow. Only one thing could accomplish it, His Own Blood which Jesus shed on Calvary. All God requires is our repentance [a look at our past with repugnance and a willingness to turn and go the other way] and a confession of our sins with a sincere request for God’s forgiveness by faith.

Instantly we receive it “if” we aren’t playing games with God. How stupid for anyone to do it but it happens constantly. I believe with all my heart this is the result of a lack of preaching on the cross. We have hard hearts and they must be opened for the Gospel. The cross upon which Jesus hung was a place of execution, easily the worse way devised by the evil in man. Jesus hung there for 6 hours as His Blood spilled upon the ground for us. He had already been beaten to the point of death by the Romans using a scourge. His beard had been ripped out of His face and He was spit upon by His tormentors. He listened to their cruel and hateful words all the while loving and forgiving them “for they didn’t know what they were doing.”

Well folks lets admit it we do know what they were doing. They were killing Jesus for us. We haven’t an excuse if we don’t care He suffered so much. If the Holy Spirit is convicting you of your sins that were placed upon Him, you are most blessed. Someone somewhere loves you and is praying for you. I saw this in the jail ministry where some prisoners could hear the Gospel and to others it was nonsense.

Right now Christians of all stripes are ignorant of God’s love for them. If they had a clue they would be out on the street corners, in public places and definitely in houses of worship testifying of His goodness to them. Instead they have joined with the lost and condemn God for allowing an oil spill or earthquake or other natural bad thing to happen. Forget it folks this is God’s good earth and not ours. God gave it to our forefather Adam and he sinned along with Eve and the devil grabbed it. Satan doesn’t own earth for he doesn’t own anything but a place in hell. But temporarily he has “lordship” here. If we want to follow him we can but we’ll end up with him in hell.

Have you read chapter 3 in First John? You need to do it today and while you’re at it, read the other four chapters. It should cleanse you of any religion. I hate religion for it’s man made and has robbed God of millions of sons and daughters. Only Jesus saves and it’s His desire to bring everyone under His Lordship by coming to live inside them. This is called being born again. If you aren’t born again, you’re lost! You don’t have to be lost for God’s amazing grace is still available for a while longer. It’s up to us if we want to live “in Christ” so He can live in us. Once He does, you’re an immortal. You can’t die, your body can, but you will live with God forever in Heaven. This is a promise from Him. “To be absent from the body is to be with the Lord.”

Now considering God is willing to take someone as bad as you and me as a son or daughter, cleansing us with His Blood, could He not clean up His Gulf? You bet and besides, the Bible tells us the world will be destroyed and He is going to start over with a new earth [no oceans] with a city 1500 miles cubed sitting upon it. We who are His will live there, even though we deserve to be sent to hell. God will live there too and it will always be light and filled with Joy and Happiness. Read Revelations 20-22 to see this along with who won’t be there. Surrender to Jesus now and live forever.
For Him, Capt Ben Marler

1 comment:

  1. I wish more people could read Ben's notes on the lord's coming and his mighty power. Maybe you could start sending this link to some of the major ministries around the country. This is a very effective tool to help others with there faith and help with their relationships with people and the lord. God Bless what Athena is doing to help her dad spread this word of truth. God Bless you both, Keith
