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Sunday, July 25, 2010


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Have you noticed how God get’s blamed for most everything today? If a storm, tornado, flood or hurricane comes calling most will call it an act of God. This is nonsense and we should recognize it as such. Almighty God sent His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to rescue us from a sure death and condemnation to hell for our sins. He isn’t into doing bad things to us.

Insurance companies like to blame Him for everything they can and there’s a list in most insurance polices listing them. What we should recognize is we’re responsible for nearly everything that happens to mankind. We’ve used our combined intellect and resources to ruin most everything. For instance, here in Destin we have a monumental problem with our pass that links Choctawhatchee Bay to the Gulf of Mexico. It can be traced to the act of a few men who decided to reroute the water when a hurricane had temporarily closed the natural pass located at the east end of Destin harbor.

With a few shovels working hard in the soft sand the water trapped in the bay took advantage of the small trench they began to dig. Before long it opened to develop a constant headache which has required enormous expenditures of money and effort to keep open. God knew what He was doing with the original pass. It remained deep and open except in rare occasions like when it was closed during the storm. A few shovels used there would have been useful and today we’d have His “natural pass”.

The damage done to the property on the north side of Destin was huge. My grandfather’s home was almost undermined by the movement of the water. If the truth was known the damage in 2010 dollars would be at least 100 million dollars or more in lost property. There isn’t a thing anyone can do about it now but moan our losses. However, there are some things we can do about blaming God for our illnesses.

When someone dies, especially a child or a youth, some folks will say something like, “Well God needed another angel up there.” How sad for He doesn’t need another angel up there, He has all He wants or needs. The death can normally be traced to our fault in one way or another. Diseases are normally the result of unhealthy choices and the neglect of healthy diets. Our God created us with an immune system that can ward off the most horrible of viruses. If it wasn’t working 24/7 we would all die in short order. I pray for mine, at 72 I know it isn’t as strong as it was at my birth.

I suggest you begin to pray for yours too and that of your loved ones. Will God hear you when you do? Of course, but first we need to understand how He answers prayer. If He isn’t answering yours why not change the way you’re approaching Him. Try and grasp that He loved you before you were conceived. He came into your Mom’s womb at conception to “knit you together”. Then He said, “I LOVE YOU! I’m giving you gifts, talents and abilities that no one can take away from you.” And, “I’m giving you unique fingerprints to confirm just how special you are to Me.”

With this knowledge we can come to Him seeking forgiveness of our many sins when we come under conviction. He’s more than willing due to the fact that Jesus has already paid for them at Calvary. Have you been to Calvary? Did you admit to God that you needed a Savior? Did you receive His forgiveness? Did you invite Jesus to come into your life as Lord? Have you openly confessed Jesus as your Lord? If you have God has adopted you as His child. Then you can be assured He is answering your prayers. He said if two or three of His children will gather together [in spirit] and agree as on asking for anything He would do it.” John 1:12 and 3:16

If you haven’t done the above please tell me why God who loves you should answer your prayers? He hasn’t promised you He will although He might. He’s Almighty God and can do what He wants but His perfect will is to take you and me away from the devil’s control where sinning is a way of life. Please read First John’s five chapters. Chapter three confirms that those who constantly sin aren’t his children but Satan’s. Did you know that? Most folks don’t for they don’t feed on God’s Word. We need to read and reflect upon it daily then we won’t be so quick to BLAME GOD.

He isn’t amused with our lack of respect and on Judgment Day, His punishment will be severe. Please, I beg you surrender your life to Jesus right now. He’s right where you are. Be sincere and humble and allow Him to give you the gift of eternal life. Don’t turn Him down again. He isn’t offering a man-made religion but an eternal intimacy with Jesus in Heaven.

In His Service,

Capt. Ben Marler

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