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Saturday, July 24, 2010


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Every Christian has a story to tell. If you’re one then I hope this message will encourage you to take it to the world. Most folks seem to have been raised in churches where their parents carried them as infants. Before long they were baptized [many sprinkled] where promises were made in their behalf. This is how I was first introduced to the Lord. Whoever, besides my parents, made promises for me I truly appreciate them. It took me almost 33 years to surrender my all to Jesus but 39 years ago I did and I’m so grateful.

Some were not so blessed but at some point in time they were confronted with the Gospel. This simple message of God’s unconditional love changed them forever. The cross is the center piece for on it Jesus died for us. His death was enough, for the brutality heaped upon Him by the Romans was vicious. All sin is terrible in God’s sight and He has promised to punish it. He did once and for all by allowing Jesus to bear ours. He was innocent and had lived a perfect life. Never did He forget who He was nor why He was here. Once we’re born again we must never forget who we are and why God has left us here.

Some denominations claim to be the only true Church and when you hear it you should beware for it isn’t true. We should remember that when we repent of our sins [turn from them with true remorse] God is willing to forgive us when we ask. He has a plan for our lives and the first, is to add us to His family or the Bride of Christ. Some claim their church is the Bride but again it isn’t true. The Bride of Christ is composed of born again Christians from every place on the planet including the darkest jungles. Did you know that the Lord said, “And this Gospel shall be preached all over the world and then the end shall come”? This is TRUE!

In the beginning men and women strapped on their sandals and followed the Holy Spirit to far off places. Much of St. Paul’s life is chronicled for us in his letters. He had nothing but an incredible love for Jesus and the anointing of the Holy Spirit. We, on the other hand, have countless ways due to modern technology to take the story of our life changing experience with Jesus to the world. For nearly 36 years God has given me the burden to share with the world by writing what He places in my heart like this piece. The vast majority, encourages the “Christian” to become born again.

I’m convinced by what I see that most aren’t yet filled with God’s Spirit. I wasn’t for nearly 33 years. There’s a huge difference, for in the beginning I went to church and did what I was allowed feeling good about myself. After my wife met Jesus in our living room I could see she had a relationship with Him. This is what being born again is all about. Only you and God know if you’re born again. I can believe you are when love flows from you.

Stop and think for a moment. Do folks speak to you as if the Lord lives in you? If they don’t, what’s the problem? You may love Him as much as anyone on the planet but is He in you? There’s a very important statement in First John 5, “Those who have Him have eternal life and those who have not Him [Jesus] have not eternal life.“ You see, we must possess Jesus to be saved. Believing in Him is extremely important for it’s the key or beginning of our intimacy. But repentance is necessary for when we confess our sins and are washed in His Blood, our hearts are cleansed enough for Him to come in and live by His Spirit. The Bible makes this very clear.

There will be an apostasy or falling away from the Lord, some would say it’s happening now. I’m one of them for I meet so few who are excited about Jesus. How can anyone who possesses Jesus and eternal life not be excited? We know we are sinners deserving of hell for our consciences tell us. But when Jesus comes in we realize God calls us saints [true believers or holy ones]. He’s told us the wages of sin is death, but we’re not afraid anymore, for Jesus has not only paid for our sins but now lives inside us. He calls it, “The Peace that passes all understanding.” You see, He’s the Peace of the world. He’s also the Way, the Truth and the Life. We must have Him inside us [The mystery hidden from the world.] to be saved.

Perfect attendance in our denomination with enormous generosity plus millions of acts of kindness can’t save anyone. Ephesians 2: 8-10 makes this clear. We’re saved by faith given to us by God. Will you use yours and surrender everything to Jesus, trusting Him and Him alone? Do it and gain a story to tell. Billions are still lost and need to hear it real soon.

In His Service,

Capt. Ben Marler

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