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Monday, July 26, 2010


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Jesus promised His disciples they would be persecuted and the Bible bears out they were. When the Sanhedrin came down on them they were driven to foreign countries and to near impoverishment. Do you recall Paul was always mindful of their needs and returned several times with “alms” for those paying the price for becoming followers of the Way. As I write there are Christians paying with their lives for refusing to renounce their trust in Jesus as their Redeemer. I’m not sure this happening in America. If it is, it isn’t in the news. How about you, have you suffered for your faith?

If you haven’t you may be avoiding it. Did you know you can go most anywhere and talk about “God” and few will give you a second look. But, if you mention the Name of Jesus, before long someone will do more than look at you. I would bet in most malls a security officer would show up and try to ease you along or worse yet tell you to leave. I’m privileged to receive persecution by my constant witnessing and writing. Some mighty fine Christians don’t like me. I feel I’m in good company for some mighty fine religious folks didn’t like Jesus either and had Him crucified by the Romans. I’m convinced the worse pain He suffered was rejection by the Jews whom He came to save and His Heavenly Father too.

Do you recall Jesus crying out, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?” Many believe that the Father was repulsed by the accumulation of the world’s sins on Jesus. Even though God sent Him to bear them as a sacrifice the sight was even too much for Him. Do you understand how hateful your sins are to God? Most folks don’t seem to think about it but you and I can and must if we want to receive God’s forgiveness.

Repentance is absolutely necessary for it causes us to place our will before God and surrender it. In my prideful ways I did my own thing. My acts were generally the opposite of God’s requirements and were going to cause my death and a sentence to Hell. When I was brought under conviction my heart broke and tears poured for I truly realized how bad they were and the terrible price Jesus paid for me to be forgiven.

39 years later I’m still appreciative and will go on with my mission to share the Full Gospel with one and all, regardless of the price. I’m not inviting persecution intentionally but I don’t have to, it comes with the territory. If you’re going to serve Jesus, expect it.

You’ll be shocked by who’s going to reject you. Many in your own family will come down on you saying things like, “Who do you think you are preaching to me, why I’m as good a Christian as you or anyone.” It can get real ugly. If you recall the scriptures tell us that even Jesus’ own brothers didn’t believe in Him.” Later some did, James became an apostle and is credited with writing the Book of James. He had his head removed for following Jesus. All of the Apostles suffered. You may remember John, who laid his head upon Jesus during the Last Supper, was exiled on the Island of Patmos where He was given the Book of Revelations to write. He was not having a great time being an old man and mostly alone.

You can avoid persecution by keeping your mouth shut when it’s obvious God wants you to share your testimony. Or, when the Lord is leading you to do something that He would be doing if He was standing in your shoes. If you’re born again, He is standing in your shoes by His Holy Spirit. Did you know that?

Many who aren’t born again have only a membership in a denomination or church somewhere or just live as if God doesn’t exist. I sure hope you aren’t one of these folks. God isn’t going to treat them well for disrespecting Him. He is Holy and there are millions [billions] of angels around Him at all times. They sing wonderful praises to Him for they see just how Good He is to us. You can read some of the praises in Revelations.

The wonderful Hallelujah Chorus was written to express the praises going on all the time at the Throne. I am looking forward to when I can join with them to bless my God and His Son Jesus. Are you looking forward to spending eternity with God in Heaven? If you aren’t, you’ve probably believed Satan’s favorite lie, “You’re too bad for Jesus to save.” Don’t believe him for no one is too bad. Go to the cross and see your sins on Jesus and the Holy Spirit will do the rest. You may even be allowed some persecution for Jesus. There’s a reward in Heaven for those who do.

In His Service,

Capt. Ben Marler

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