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Friday, July 23, 2010


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It’s the power of God that came upon Jesus when He was baptized by John the Baptist at the Jordan. Until this event Jesus was powerless. He’d left His power in Heaven but never forgot who He was and His mission. For about 30 years He lived as a humble and obedient son to Mary and Joseph.

Few seem to understand the Baptism so let’s see what John the Baptist is saying in Luke 3:16. “I baptize you with water for repentance but He who follows after me is mightier than me. I’m not worthy to even untie the thongs of His sandals. He Himself will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.”

How much do you think the Lord’s disciples could have accomplished, after His Ascension, if the Holy Spirit hadn’t fallen on them at Pentecost? Do you remember Jesus met with them 50 days after His Resurrection where He breathed on them so they could be “born again“.

Do you remember how excited they were afterwards and when Thomas returned he was doubtful and said, “I won’t believe unless I place my finger in the holes of His hands and my hand in His side?” When Jesus returned 8 days later Thomas fell to His knees and said, “My Lord and My God.“ Isn’t it interesting Jesus didn’t correct him?

Is Jesus your Lord and God? If He is, you can be immersed too. Those who ask are called “Pentecostals” and those who won’t are called evangelicals. Both need the power of God to witness effectively. Every disciple is to tell the world about Jesus! Are you verbally witnessing? Some say they witness by their lives but the first disciples went out and shared the Gospel and their testimonies. All born again Christians have a story to tell.

One day God spoke to Joan as she awakened from a nap. “In my Kingdom I have both citizens and soldiers.” It excited me for I now could understand why some denominations are full Gospel and why some aren’t. I don’t believe this division is His will. Read John 17 to see why.

After my baptism He gave me three very clear dreams. The first revealed the coming collapse of the Roman Church. The second He corrected me as I was advising folks wrongly on reading the scriptures. The third showed me evangelizing criminals in the county jail resulting in a two year jail ministry.

God performed miracles during these visits. I’ll never forget some of the most powerful ones. Due to them the sheriff and his wife went into the ministry went he left office. They had witnessed God at work and were led to join a full Gospel church to serve in His power.

I’ve met some folks who’re disappointed after asking God for the anointing and not receiving it. It seems God chooses certain folks for one ministry and others for another based upon what’s in their heart. For instance, a man chosen as a pastor has a different attitude than one chosen to be an evangelist. The first is more gentle and caring compared to the second who speaks and acts like a prophet on a mission.

In First Corinthians Paul tell us the gifts of the Holy Spirit are wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, tongues, interpretation of tongues, discernment and prophecy. And the Lord gives them as He wishes. I suspect pastors get the best for they care constantly for His sheep. The evangelist needs His power to demonstrate God’s love in meeting the needs of those who’re lost. It’s very hard to resist Jesus’ offer when He’s just healed you.

The bottom line: God wants us to have His power to witness and so we can grow in our service to Him. Why not ask Jesus to baptize you in His Spirit after you‘re born again. He said, “Ask and you shall receive.”

In His Service,

Capt. Ben Marler

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